Rare BM59 7.62x51 Straight Pull Rifle for Sale

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Rare BM59 7.62x51 Straight Pull Rifle for Sale

#1 Post by PaulR »

Time to thin out my rifle collection. My BM59 sees little use now that I have my L1A1 so I thought I'd sell it to make way for future acquisitions.

Rare if not unique in the UK, BM59 Straight Pull Rifle in 7.62x51. As new with only 300(ish) rounds put through it.

For those that don't know much about these, here's a potted history:

The rifle is a straight pull version of the Semi/Full auto service weapon developed in the 50s and early 60s for the Italian armed forces. It was based on the Garand licence built by Beretta post war and entered service two years before the US M14.

The italians developed this design because at the time, NATO were in the process of adopting the 7.62x51 as the service round. Beretta were tasked with adapting the Garand to take a detachable magazine chambered for 7.62 rather than 30.06. The initial BM59s looked exactly like a Garand but with a detachable mag. This meant that they ended up with a fairly heavy weapon as the standard 8 shot Garand weighed in at a heafty 11 lbs, add to that a full mag' of 20 7.62 and you'll see what I mean.

The rifle was eventually lightened and shortened to what you see below.

This example was newly manufactured as a straight pull under licence to Australia International Arms by PT Pindad in Indonesia whose armed forces were a user. It was imported into the UK by Sabre Defence Industries

The rifle is complete with integral bi-pod although this is easily removable should you want to. It also comes with two magazines and the correct Garand sling.

Price: £2100.00 ono.

pm me for more details/photo's.




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meles meles
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Re: Rare BM59 7.62x51 Straight Pull Rifle for Sale

#2 Post by meles meles »

* GASP ! *

"Ooooh, preshus !"
CEO (Chief Excavatin' Officer)
Badger Korporashun

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"Quelle style, so British"

Re: Rare BM59 7.62x51 Straight Pull Rifle for Sale

#3 Post by dirtydawk »

Oh my! That's a bit nice!

Re: Rare BM59 7.62x51 Straight Pull Rifle for Sale

#4 Post by huntervixen »

Hi Paul,

You do have a very cool collection mate, if I had the money.....

Just out of curiosity, does your Garand bolt fit it, or is one imperial and the other metric, caliber aside?
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