Bone Question #274: Cleaning Firearms at Home

New to the sport? Or just not sussed something out yet? Please ask your questions in here, there are many experienced shooters on the forum and someone will for sure come along and answer your question. This is a section for new shooters so if anyone can think of something please submit it.

Moderator: dromia


Re: Bone Question #274: Cleaning Firearms at Home

#21 Post by Mr_Logic »

SevenSixTwo wrote:To be fair, I wouldn't want to see someone strutting about next door's garden with even an air rifle; FAC or no FAC. Lawful or not, it's irresponsible and, ultimately, puts the sport in jeopardy.

With 'rights' comes responsibility, no?

For air rifles etc isn't there a 'within 50' of a public highway' rule?
What's irresponsible about it?

Re: Bone Question #274: Cleaning Firearms at Home

#22 Post by Tower75 »

Surely this depends upon situation, no?

I mean, I've taken rifles into my garden, just so I can take a picture of them in sunlight, then I've walked back into the house. If anybody saw me, that's what they'd see.

However, in another situation, I was round a shooting friend's house and it was a summer's day and we were sitting on the patio drinking lemonade with about a dozen classic rifles dotted around the place - I was looking to buy one, so he got his collection out.

By the logic of some, that makes him and myself unfit to possess firearms.

I'm sick of this hobby being a dirty little secret!

If I was pointing a No4 Enfield at next door's window and shouting "bang", fair enough, take my FAC off me, but other then that, what is the actual problem with firearms being in your garden with you? (Obviously, I don't just mean; walking around for the Hell of it)

Re: Bone Question #274: Cleaning Firearms at Home

#23 Post by SevenSixTwo »

Mr_Logic wrote:
SevenSixTwo wrote:To be fair, I wouldn't want to see someone strutting about next door's garden with even an air rifle; FAC or no FAC. Lawful or not, it's irresponsible and, ultimately, puts the sport in jeopardy.
What's irresponsible about it?
Nothing. Nothing at all in my view.

But We're not the mass-hysteria public. We're not the knee-jerk policy makers. I personally wouldn't do anything to jeopardise my Licence and/or add to the generally poor reputation of firearms owners in the UK by the Public. It's your call though of course.

Re: Bone Question #274: Cleaning Firearms at Home

#24 Post by LeighC »

During the summer months I usually clean my guns on the patio table rather than the garage bench, I'm over looked by two houses and have never had a problem. Of course, as others have said, there's no waving them about or pointing at anyone else's property. The drive is overlooked by several houses, I'd be surprised if no one has yet noticed the gun slips being transferred 'twixt car and house.

I refuse to keep my hobby a secret and I'll talk to as many people as possible about it. I have introduced quite a few friends and acquaintances into the shooting sports, they didn't know I was a shooter until I brought it up. As for my neighbours/friends knowing that I have guns in the house - possibly a double edged sword, it might possibly make me a target for burglars (but then we all have appropriate security), it also makes me a bit of a 'go to guy' for anyone expressing an interest in shooting.
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