Proposed Airgun legislation in Scotland

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Proposed Airgun legislation in Scotland

#1 Post by dromia »

Would any NRA representative tell me what action the NRA is taking in response to the above proposed legislation?

Apologies if this has already been communicated to members and I have missed it. If so could someone direct me to the communication.

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Re: Proposed Airgun legislation in Scotland

#2 Post by karen »

dromia wrote:Would any NRA representative tell me what action the NRA is taking in response to the above proposed legislation?

Apologies if this has already been communicated to members and I have missed it. If so could someone direct me to the communication.
Er doesn't that fall under the NSRA? Why haven't you asked what the NRA and/or NSRA are doing?


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Re: Proposed Airgun legislation in Scotland

#3 Post by dromia »

I'm not an NSRA member.

As it impinges on target shooting and FAC possession in general I would have expected the NRA to have view on it, or at least be able to share a shooting community view and support the other organisations. Many of us full bore shooters are also airgun owners/shooters as well.

I am disappointed that the NRA is taking an isolationist, head in the sand view on this as many shooters see it as the sharp end of an anti gun ownership wedge in Scotland.

Ah well suppose that I can always hope that our fractured "national" organisations will work in concert to support gun ownership even when the actuality makes it seems unlikely.

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Re: Proposed Airgun legislation in Scotland

#4 Post by karen »

dromia wrote:
As it impinges on target shooting and FAC possession in general I would have expected the NRA to have view on it, or at least be able to share a shooting community view and support the other organisations.
How do you know they haven't? :cool2: I have no idea at the moment but I'm not denigrating them for it
dromia wrote:I am disappointed that the NRA is taking an isolationist, head in the sand view on this as many shooters see it as the sharp end of an anti gun ownership wedge in Scotland.
What are you on? You have no idea what the NRA or NSRA are doing yet you think you have the right to say the above!

The NSRA and/or BASC should lead on this with the support of the other organisations but don't let that stop you from your usual NRA bashing. ****

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Re: Proposed Airgun legislation in Scotland

#5 Post by dodgyrog »

As the NE rep on the NSRA Council, I have not been made aware of any activity by them. That being said I will ask the question.
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Re: Proposed Airgun legislation in Scotland

#6 Post by Steve E »

Why don't you contact the Scottish Rifle Association, I am sure that they have views on this and may have made representation.

Re: Proposed Airgun legislation in Scotland

#7 Post by Mr_Logic »

The underlying point is a valid one though. In the USA - guns = NRA.

Here, guns = BASC, NRA, NSRA, SRA, CPSA etc etc ! We need ONE organisation to tell the antis to f*** off!
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Re: Proposed Airgun legislation in Scotland

#8 Post by Christel »

I certainly think the OP's question is a valid one, if we do not stand united we have no fecking chance.

Re: Proposed Airgun legislation in Scotland

#9 Post by karen »

And my point is that he does not know what is going on behind the scenes and is just NRA-bashing as usual.

Quite frankly I am well fed up of Dromia's constant NRA sniping - have a go at the NSRA or BASC if you think nothings being done or if you are sure of your facts but comments like that are out of order.

Oh and well done Dodgyrog - that's exactly what should be being done! clapclap

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