My "new to me" Parker Hale 1200TX

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My "new to me" Parker Hale 1200TX

#1 Post by Noahbody »

I finally found the rifle I was looking for, the Parker Hale 1200TX

Here are some before pictures.

The bolt face will be fixed, the stock refinished and the recoil pad replace.

Anybody able to educate me on when this rifle was made?

The 1200TX has the spring loaded follower.

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Re: My "new to me" Parker Hale 1200TX

#2 Post by ovenpaa »

It looks good from the pictures, sorry I know nothing about the PH range of rifles. Going on the stock finish I would say no older than early 90's however that is just a wild guess.

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Re: My "new to me" Parker Hale 1200TX

#3 Post by Noahbody »

Thank you ovenpaa.

Anybody else for some information on this rifle?

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Re: My "new to me" Parker Hale 1200TX

#4 Post by waterford103 »

It's an early serial no. ,late 70's I suspect .The damage to the bolt is probably caused by firing corrosive ammunition and not cleaning the bolt face .Your best bet is to find a standard mauser bolt and have your gunsmith fit the bolt handle from the damaged bolt and then re-headspace. :wales: :flag6:
"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!"
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Re: My "new to me" Parker Hale 1200TX

#5 Post by Noahbody »

Thank you waterford103

Re: My "new to me" Parker Hale 1200TX

#6 Post by StanDeasy »

Check the twist rate of the barrel. If it's the original and 1:12, it's probably pre-1982. Later ones were slower twist (13 or 14) to suit mil-spec 7.62.

Shame about the gas-cut bolt face. This happened to friend of mine - he was using a very old batch of primers and the brass cups had started to corrode internally so that when fired they pierced on the edge of the cup and the hot gases pitted the bolt face. He didn't notice the problem until he had fired over 100rds of this stuff and the pitting had formed a complete circle around the bolt face, just like yours.

Norman Clark Gunsmiths may be able to help with a replacement bolt body.


Re: My "new to me" Parker Hale 1200TX

#7 Post by Noahbody »

Thank you StanDeasy

One of the members here has contacted Norman Clark for me. I am waiting for his reply. If I can find one, that would be great. It would be even greater if it doesnt cost an arm and a leg to mail it to the US.

I really do not want to take an ordinary Mauser bolt and modify the bolt handle.

Re: My "new to me" Parker Hale 1200TX

#8 Post by Dougan »

Noahbody wrote:I finally found the rifle I was looking for, the Parker Hale 1200TX

Here are some before pictures.

The bolt face will be fixed, the stock refinished and the recoil pad replace.

Anybody able to educate me on when this rifle was made?

The 1200TX has the spring loaded follower.

Much Appreciated
I shot what I'm sure would be a later model in the mid 80's...

Btw: I'm glad I clicked on your club website, before I asked some really dumb questions about Americans and TR shooting....

Re: My "new to me" Parker Hale 1200TX

#9 Post by Noahbody »

It has a 1:12 barrel

Dougan.. what questions would you have asked usflag.gif

Re: My "new to me" Parker Hale 1200TX

#10 Post by Gaz »

Noahbody wrote:Thank you StanDeasy

One of the members here has contacted Norman Clark for me. I am waiting for his reply. If I can find one, that would be great. It would be even greater if it doesnt cost an arm and a leg to mail it to the US.

I really do not want to take an ordinary Mauser bolt and modify the bolt handle.
The 1200TX bolt is all but identical to a standard Mauser bolt. It's possible to put the one bolt into the other rifle and have it function - not that I've live fired a rifle with this arrangement!
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