Short Siberia - The Notice on NRA Website

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Re: Short Siberia - The Notice on NRA Website

#11 Post by hitchphil »

... change the RECORD! Alexham?

The Butt 19 facility on weekdays will be quite adequate to cater for weekday users needs. CNP will have a great time spending a tons of dosh to the benefit of the NRA & members in general Mon-Thurs. Reverse echelon will utilise way more targets than paying punters on any weekday. Then guess what something radical happens - On Friday, Sat & Sun we can use the entire darned place including - Siberia :grin: ….all of it……………. & the problem is?

...................... & one day we will dig all their copper lead out of the butts & cash that in too.....
Quality control of Scottish Ethanol. & RDX/HMX

& my fav chemical is :-) 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine.......... used to kill frogs.... but widely consumed & in vast quantities by the French? Eh?

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