Tube Guns

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Tube Guns

#1 Post by dromia »

Anyone shoot or have shot one?

Come on Bambi get some

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Re: Tube Guns

#2 Post by ovenpaa »

ActionClear has one ;)

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Re: Tube Guns

#3 Post by Sim G »

Pics and opinion required!! or a "£5 fine" and we'll know that AC doesn't have one!
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

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Re: Tube Guns

#4 Post by ovenpaa »

Actually.......... it could be Rod who has one :oops:

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Holds Tight

Re: Tube Guns

#5 Post by Holds Tight »

I have one.... :D
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Re: Tube Guns

#6 Post by dromia »

So how do you find it?

Come on Bambi get some

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Re: Tube Guns

#7 Post by R.G.C »

dromia wrote:So how do you find it?

You perhaps expect a usere's reply..Here is mine from an other point of view.:

The subject is controversial. Some shooters feel at ease behind them, and some does not….
It appeals to XTC and other shooters in the US because its hold and grip familiarity with the AR15/AR10/M16.
I believe successful adaptation is really dependant of the action the user intends to put in it: There must be a recoil absorption, and it must be considered the flexible interface any bedding system gives on conventional stockings does not exist here. The recoil absorption is direct metal to metal.
Action with a tang need to have at front a diaphragm screwed between barrel and receiver to replace a Remington-type recoil lug in order to have the recoil absorbed diametrally…. But external irregular fancy shapes and wide openings are a problem.
Best suited are well outside-finished actions, of regular diameter, with limited openings, and a broad rear square surface who best receive recoil...No need to mention names, they are few!!…
An other point is in favor of rear locking systems, as, the recoil being absorbed at rear of receiver, the locking lugs are just ahead of the square recoil bearing surfaces. This is a very important consideration IMHO.
Personally, I consider the fact of putting a front locking action into a central chassis tube of large diameter is an error. This tube, with the correct inserts used for functions, could well be used as receivers, eliminating the need of a separate receiver as such, the central tube chassis being the receiver itself as well..
Mavbe someone is working on that idea? Problems are not unsurmontable… This would also have a large influence on total rifle cost.
Holds Tight

Re: Tube Guns

#8 Post by Holds Tight »

Well usually I just open the safe.....

Very adjustable, the bolt is under your cheek so you dont have to loose your cheek weld to reload. Almost too adjustable, cant, LOP, offset adjustment, cheek piece height, buttplate height, handguard rotation......very comfortable when its totally dailed in, I'm almost there. I have a traditional rifle as well, the major issue (for me) is a lack of standard come ups or downs as the case may be due to difference in sight heights. I have a 30mm riles and\or rightsight for the front and use a phoenix precision on a picatinny rail on the rear. When I have it zeroed its spot on. Barnard action and trigger left bolt left port, true flite 30in fluted barrel.
Holds Tight

Re: Tube Guns

#9 Post by Holds Tight »


I know of you thru reputation only...and following your posts on many forums. I agree with most of what you said above with one exception. I'm a new shooter, to full bore anyways and was looking for a better mousetrap so to speak as my build and being a lefty shooter is not the norm. I've tried a more traditional type of adjustable stock (BDG) and while it was very workable, my choice of action (BAT) created problems as it wasnt bedded properly, NOT totally the fault of BDG due to the fact that the action was 10000 miles away from the stock. This is not a knock to older more experienced shooters but almost to a man or woman, younger shooters are eager to try the stock. Let me say that I'm 39 and most of my Club members (95%) are 60+ and again my intent isnt to insult anyone.

It seems the next development will HAVE to be as you say a totally integrated reciever for the stock chassis as the tube stock is newer development to a traditionally inletted stock.

I was very close to having an Inch action rather than a Barnard (Gary had not yet had one to play with when I ordered my stock). I have spoken with him since then and he has postitive feedback about it...and I'm considering my next action to be an Inch. :o)

Re: Tube Guns

#10 Post by Actionclear »

Yeah, I have one :D

It's my new toy, and I have to say I'm loving it. I'm in the process of switching from F Standard which is only shot in Australia, to FT/R using a bi pod. I have two events in April, so I am not yet prepared to make the complete gear change, until after I have shot these.

I have switched from .223rem, to .308Win, and had the bruise last week to prove it! I have only had my baby out on the range twice, with conditions anything but pleasant she performed better than I expected.
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