Target shotgun bisley?

All things shotgun related.

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The Cupcake Kid

Re: Target shotgun bisley?

#11 Post by The Cupcake Kid »

John MH wrote:Try Short Siberia, the NRA say all you have to do is ask,
Oh, believe me, I have been asking ;)

As we know, CNC have exclusive use of S.Siberia during the week now and even when they didn't it wasn't an option offered by the range office.

It would be really useful if the NRA could organise some 'range office targets' or hourly slots on Butt Zero for those target shotgunners living close to Bisley as we don't have anywhere we can go to sight in or do a quick check before a competition.

I'd echo Dangermouse and ask anyone booking BZ for a 1/2 day to let everyone know on here as I'm sure you'd get a few people willing to share the cost and you've got plenty of space and target frames on that range (actually two ranges if you can use the left bay and the 'mover' bay at the same time).
John MH

Re: Target shotgun bisley?

#12 Post by John MH »

Also be aware that plastic wads will be banned at Bisley, apart from the Clay Centre, from 1 Jan 2014. I think there may be an exemption for Slug ammunition though.
The Cupcake Kid

Re: Target shotgun bisley?

#13 Post by The Cupcake Kid »

And buckshot, presumably?
John MH

Re: Target shotgun bisley?

#14 Post by John MH »

No just Slug AFAIK
The Cupcake Kid

Re: Target shotgun bisley?

#15 Post by The Cupcake Kid »

Where have you heard this?
John MH

Re: Target shotgun bisley?

#16 Post by John MH »

From the NRA Target Shotgun Rep
Plastic wad ban from 31st December
Its been on the cards for a while but with the increase in use of shotguns over the past year the debris and littering is now getting out of hand so from the 31st December Bisley ranges ( Excluding the clays complex) will be fibre wad only. There is a specific exclusion for those using slug ammunition.

Simply put no plastic wads from 1st January are to be used, no exceptions.
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Re: Target shotgun bisley?

#17 Post by kennyc »

John MH wrote:Also be aware that plastic wads will be banned at Bisley, apart from the Clay Centre, from 1 Jan 2014. I think there may be an exemption for Slug ammunition though.
what are they going to use to resurface Short Siberia next time if they ban plastic wads ? tongueout
The Cupcake Kid

Re: Target shotgun bisley?

#18 Post by The Cupcake Kid »

John MH wrote:From the NRA Target Shotgun Rep
Plastic wad ban from 31st December
Its been on the cards for a while but with the increase in use of shotguns over the past year the debris and littering is now getting out of hand so from the 31st December Bisley ranges ( Excluding the clays complex) will be fibre wad only. There is a specific exclusion for those using slug ammunition.

Simply put no plastic wads from 1st January are to be used, no exceptions.
Where was this published?
John MH

Re: Target shotgun bisley?

#19 Post by John MH »

Email from NRA about TS and GR Nationals.
The Cupcake Kid

Re: Target shotgun bisley?

#20 Post by The Cupcake Kid »

Didn't see it myself. I got an email about the Nationals on July 25th but nothing since apart from the NRA newsletter and no mention of this.
I would have expected this sort of announcement to be made a little more prominent.
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