Wanted - 7.5 x 55 Swiss die set

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Wanted - 7.5 x 55 Swiss die set

#1 Post by dodgyrog »

As the venerable Hannams and Kranks have no Lee dies in stock I'm on the look out for a cheap die set pls.
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Re: Wanted - 7.5 x 55 Swiss die set

#2 Post by AL8 »

I take it you want full length rather than neck sized?

Re: Wanted - 7.5 x 55 Swiss die set

#3 Post by Mezzer »


I recently bought a set of Redding dies for reloading 7.5 x 55. A bit more expensive than the Lee offerings but you can certainly see where the extra money goes. There have been numerous discussions as whether Redding / RCBS or Lee dies are the best for this calibre and I guess it's all down to what suits you (and your pocket) best. As I understand it, the Redding dies don't tend to work the brass quite as hard as the Lee dies or the RCBS dies. Saying that, I use Lee dies for my Enfield .303 and my .308 target rifle and I've had no trouble with any of them.

Just remember that the K31 .... if that is what you intend reloading for, has a very short throat but in practice, it's a fairly easy rifle to create reloads for. All my reloads to date have chambered perfectly with the bolt sliding forward into battery with no problems. Don't quite recall where I bought the dies from but I'll find out and let you know if you are interested.

Mezzer :good:
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Re: Wanted - 7.5 x 55 Swiss die set

#4 Post by dodgyrog »

Ye4s, full length sizing used cases I bought.
I guess the more expensive dies are the way I'll have to go. I do believe in the Lee dies though.
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Re: Wanted - 7.5 x 55 Swiss die set

#5 Post by meles meles »

Can GP11 cases be re-used, or are they Berdan primed ? We're building up quite a stock of fired GP11 brass...
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Re: Wanted - 7.5 x 55 Swiss die set

#6 Post by dromia »

They re Berdan primed and can be reloaded with Berdan Primers, they can also be converted to boxer in a couple of ways if you have the tools.

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Re: Wanted - 7.5 x 55 Swiss die set

#7 Post by dodgyrog »

meles meles wrote:Can GP11 cases be re-used, or are they Berdan primed ? We're building up quite a stock of fired GP11 brass...
I use my Wamadet berdan decapper - piece of cake. I have several thousand berdan primers to use up.
If you want to give me some of your brass I could decap some for you.
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Re: Wanted - 7.5 x 55 Swiss die set

#8 Post by Mezzer »

meles meles wrote:Can GP11 cases be re-used, or are they Berdan primed ? We're building up quite a stock of fired GP11 brass...

I haven't had the pleasure of using GP11 in my K31 as yet (and at 63 quid / 100 rounds from the importer down south, it's highly unlikely I ever will). I bought some 7.5 x 55 PPU which is boxer primed. Once shot, I reload the brass after full-length resizing and stick a Sierra 168gr Matchking on the end. Honestly, I'm gobsmacked at how accurate this is out to 6oo yards plus. I paid around 69 quid for the PPU which isn't too bad considering the brass is available for reloading. The PPU itself shot reasonably well but nothing to write home about.
I know the GP11 brass is exceptionally good but I'm just not sure that I could be bothered with the whole berdan priming issue. The primers themselves are not all that easy to get a hold of either which is another consideration.

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Re: Wanted - 7.5 x 55 Swiss die set

#9 Post by meles meles »

We're still not sure we want to get into all this paw-loading malarky, though we do have a pet bald monkey that is making some reduced power .303 loads for us to shoot indoors. We'd be happy to send some of our used GP11 brass to dodgyrog or mezzer if you'd like to play with it yourselves.
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