Remmy 700 Next Mod - Trigger?

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Remmy 700 Next Mod - Trigger?

#1 Post by User702 »

I'm happy with my rifle. It shoots well enough and I expect to be able to shoot a little better when I finally get my loads worked up and a sweet load developed. I even like the stock, despite it looking a bit Frankenstein with the added cheek piece and extra inch of padding at the back to suit my arms.

However, I am very aware that the stock Remington trigger is a pretty heavy beast and have noticed that it makes me think during the shot process. I don't like that wait, the "will it fire?" moment and the heavy pull, so I want to replace it with something lighter, crispper and shorter.

Short of heading west and picking something up from Brownells or Cabelas next time I am in the US, what can people recommend to improve on the stock Remington trigger? Also, how much of a job is a trigger to replace? Youtube makes it look easy...
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Re: Remmy 700 Next Mod - Trigger?

#2 Post by ovenpaa »

Timney and Rifle Basix are readily available, Jewel are nice put not always easy to find and the flagship in my opinion is the C.G 2 stage.

Budget for anywhere from around GBP100 to GBP240. Fitting is easy enough, just take your time, read the instructions :)

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Sim G
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Re: Remmy 700 Next Mod - Trigger?

#3 Post by Sim G »

I've previously owned four Remingtons and only installed an after market trigger on one of them, which was a Rifle Basix. It was a very good trigger and probably the best value.

However, all three other Remingtons I adjusted the trigger myself. It's a piece of cake. The best instructions I ever found were here. Clear and concise. Use the money saved for more ammo!! ... igger.html
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

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Re: Remmy 700 Next Mod - Trigger?

#4 Post by User702 »


I'm not sure that I can adjust the trigger on my particular version of 700. Mike357 may know differently, but I think it's the model that was crippled in that department.


FSCK ME!!! Just seen the price of the Rifle Basix trigger on MidwayUK... Holy arse-weeping gods! Compared to the cost of one in the States, that's a lot of markup. Move on James, move on.

Re: Remmy 700 Next Mod - Trigger?

#5 Post by User702 »

Looks like Rimfiremagic stocks them (or at least advertises them) at a sensible price. Will drop them a line tomorrow and ask what they have in stock.
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Re: Remmy 700 Next Mod - Trigger?

#6 Post by Chapuis »

MidwayUK are taking the mick with their prices on this one. I can't see it on their website but the sportsman gun centre had them on the shelf a little while ago and they were quite reasonable. Maybe worth giving them a ring?

Re: Remmy 700 Next Mod - Trigger?

#7 Post by saddler »

I have about 3 riflebasix triggers somewhere...

Want me to dig them out and work out a price?
Yogi GunKanobee

Re: Remmy 700 Next Mod - Trigger?

#8 Post by Yogi GunKanobee »

FWIW, I replaced the triggers on both my Remingtons with Timney triggers. They were about £100 each and made a huge difference.

Re: Remmy 700 Next Mod - Trigger?

#9 Post by User702 »

Saddler, if you can find out what models they are I'd appreciate it.

Re: Remmy 700 Next Mod - Trigger?

#10 Post by Meaty »

I have a Timney on my Win 70 from Rimfire Magic and it was a doddle to fit (just a small amount of inletting relief). Its worth giving them a call as the trigger I brought wasn't advertised on the web site and was a lot cheaper than anywhere else. Nice people to deal with as well.
Dry fire a good few times with a snap cap after you get your trigger job done so as you get used to it-you dont want one of those "fcku me, I hardly touched it!" moments on the range.
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