AR15 trigger required or a hammer for 2 stage geisselle
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AR15 trigger required or a hammer for 2 stage geisselle
The rear lug has sheared off the hammer of my Geissele 2 stage trigger. Geisselle have refused to acknowledge it is one of their triggers so I'm pooped on lifetime warranty. I need a cheap replacement hammer or a complete trigger mech. Even a standard AR trigger would do for now until funds allow me to buy something better. Any advice appreciated.
Re: AR15 trigger required or a hammer for 2 stage geisselle
Have you spoken to your supplier?
Re: AR15 trigger required or a hammer for 2 stage geisselle
Paul, how on earth can Geisselle have refused to acknowledge it is one of their triggers if it's a Geisselle trigger? I don't get that. TBH mate unless a two stage trigger is a must for you I'd go with a Timney trigger for your AR. I have three AR's all with 2 - 3lb triggers in them and I couldn't be happier plus they take five minutes to swap out. Just a thought mate.
Re: AR15 trigger required or a hammer for 2 stage geisselle
Hi Paul got a spare standard trigger in the cuboard, you at the next csr match or wanted it posted
Re: AR15 trigger required or a hammer for 2 stage geisselle
First port of call should be original trigger supplier. What has actually sheared. If the trigger has been used with a .22LR conversion that may have caused its failure as these triggers are not designed for use in .22LRs. Geissele are usually ok with warranty replacement parts but since the tightening of ITAR rules they no longer export direct to the UK themselves.
Try LanTac, he's the official importer for a variety of manufactures and advertises Geisesele Triggers so he might be the 'official' importer for them as well.
If not you are looking at a complete new trigger. Make sure the replacement meets the minimum weight for any competitions you want to enter.
Try LanTac, he's the official importer for a variety of manufactures and advertises Geisesele Triggers so he might be the 'official' importer for them as well.
If not you are looking at a complete new trigger. Make sure the replacement meets the minimum weight for any competitions you want to enter.
Re: AR15 trigger required or a hammer for 2 stage geisselle
Thanks for the advice. Yes I did use it with a .22 upper (SGC). I have included a PIC. I will contact Mr B and Lantac and see what they say. In the meantime someone has kindly offered me a factory unit to borrow from this forum. I love the shooting community. Always someone offering to help others for no personal gain. Incredible. Shooters rock!
Re: AR15 trigger required or a hammer for 2 stage geisselle
Update.. Paul at lantac has identified it as a rock river 2 stage. Rock river won't honour warranty due to export regulations. Looks like this trigger is destined for the bin!
Re: AR15 trigger required or a hammer for 2 stage geisselle
So what made you think it was a Geissele?
Re: AR15 trigger required or a hammer for 2 stage geisselle
SGC and a private gunsmith both identified it as a geisselle. I haven't got a clue myself!
Re: AR15 trigger required or a hammer for 2 stage geisselle
It may also be this: ... 14141B1FF8
Hard to tell from the photo. ... 14141B1FF8
Hard to tell from the photo.
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