Forum rules
This section is for people who shoot or want to shoot in competitions and includes future events, how to get started, choice of rifle and calibres including wildcats, how to prepare for your competition, and of course how you did!
It is an unpaid post like all shooting team captaincy's.
The captains job is to raise,form and train the best team for the matches that are competed in by the National Team and of course to win.
It is my understanding that any shooter who considers themselves to have the correct attributes can apply for the captaincy. When the closing date ends, all applicants will be looked at by Council and someone will be selected. To be considered for the captaincy, the applicant must have competed at the highest levels and have a known track record. I would expect the Captain to come from within the 'squad' to stand a chance of being elected to to post.
Steve E wrote:To be considered for the captaincy, the applicant must have competed at the highest levels and have a known track record. I would expect the Captain to come from within the 'squad' to stand a chance of being elected to to post.
Agreed. Which is probably why there's been more than a little tongue and cheek expressed here. Publisize that the role is up for a change, by all means, but an invitation to all NRA members to apply is well, a little vain to my mind...
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?
Guns dont kill people. Dads with pretty Daughters do...!
Sim G wrote:
Agreed. Which is probably why there's been more than a little tongue and cheek expressed here. Publisize that the role is up for a change, by all means, but an invitation to all NRA members to apply is well, a little vain to my mind...
All NRA international or national team roles, captain or otherwise, are always offered to all NRA members. If you don't fancy the Gallery Rifle one perhaps the GB Norway Sporting Rifle Team Captain may tempt you?
Sim G wrote:One curious question, why would such a search be put out amongst the general shooting public and the role not filled from within the squad?
Because one of the key tasks of the captain is to pick the squad. Horse first, cart afterwards.
What gallery do you shoot in ? We have a ticket for the Tate Modern...
You just made a lot of flags be waved & bells ring in the NSA emmergency room
Don't complain if you end-up as a taxidermist work of art on Obama's or Cameron's mantelpiece ...