9mm ammo with lead bullets

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9mm ammo with lead bullets

#1 Post by Mike357 »

Anybody know where I can find 9mm ammo with lead bullets ie non jacketed? Checked out ITL/Ammozone etc but no luck.

And no, at the moment I don't want to load my own :lol: :lol:
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Re: 9mm ammo with lead bullets

#2 Post by Blackstuff »

No factory stuff AFAIK, so you're going to have to get friendly with a reloader! :cheers:
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Re: 9mm ammo with lead bullets

#3 Post by DanTheMan »

Mike357 wrote:Anybody know where I can find 9mm ammo with lead bullets ie non jacketed? Checked out ITL/Ammozone etc but no luck.

And no, at the moment I don't want to load my own :lol: :lol:
Did you actually speak to ITL ? he supplies our club with lead 9mm as we have a no FMJ rule.
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Re: 9mm ammo with lead bullets

#4 Post by Mike357 »

I didn't phone, foolishly thinking that their web site would be up to date :lol:

Just back from handing in variation for amongst other things an increase to 1100 rds of 9mm as intend to buy once a year at The Phoenix and ditching my ML Revolver for a LBP.

I'll phone tomorrow, thanks for the heads up.
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Re: 9mm ammo with lead bullets

#5 Post by Blackstuff »

Let me know if you get an answer, when i first got my SGC 9mm i tried emailing half a dozen times and calling the same and never got an answer. Same when i asked my club/RFD to try to contact them :bad:
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Re: 9mm ammo with lead bullets

#6 Post by mr smith »

I try'd emailing ITL as well without success even the landline was no good,did finally get Ian on his mobile.

Re: 9mm ammo with lead bullets

#7 Post by Flanker »

Mike357 wrote:Anybody know where I can find 9mm ammo with lead bullets ie non jacketed? Checked out ITL/Ammozone etc but no luck.

And no, at the moment I don't want to load my own :lol: :lol:
I've got a wee bag of picked up 9mm brass if you want to try! £25 for a lee loader and you're away bangbang
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Re: 9mm ammo with lead bullets

#8 Post by Alpha1 »

Well you are not having much luck were do you live you can either pay me to reload it for you for lots of money or buy a set of dies and brass of Adam (DROMIA) and get a shed load of cast boolits of Dodgyrog and go make them your self. In one evening you can make enough ammo to last you at least a month.
But I am happy to reload them for you for silly money.

Re: 9mm ammo with lead bullets

#9 Post by saddler »

Got some lovely lovely dies left in my sale thread somewhere.

Did have a lee 9mm mold but passed it on to Dromia a while back.

You can also have some success using certain 357 bullets.

If I had a slot for 9mm I could load them for you on my Dillon 550; IF you supplied the components...
Another approach around that would be if you were present during the loading...or operating the 550s handle.
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Re: 9mm ammo with lead bullets

#10 Post by Alpha1 »

I have all the components dies moulds cases shell holders sizing dies taper crimp dies etc. sat on a shelf from my pistol days. Covered in dust.
I checked Unfortunately you shoot at Bisley so you are a million miles away from me otherwise I would of happily come round to your place and helped you to reload as many rounds as you wanted. As the law stands they have to stay on the shelf covered in dust I am afraid.
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