Recommend Badger a Section 1 shotgun

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Re: Recommend Badger a Section 1 shotgun

#41 Post by Geek »

BamBam wrote:
Geek wrote:
BamBam wrote:If a tube fed semi auto is what you want, get a Stoeger 3000 from Riflecraft. They do a 9+1 with enlarged bolt release for £749, Stoeger is owned by Benelli. It uses a very similar inertia operating system to the M2.
The gas operated Beretta 1301 will cost you about £1100 for a 9+1 capacity. A good shotgun, but I'm no fan of gas operation shotguns and opted for the Stoeger myself.
You can get a Mossberg JM Pro for that - £729.95 ... lue-barrel

Couldn't find yours on the Riflecraft website.
I had a Mossberg JM Pro, it's what put me off gas operation shotguns. The Stoeger is more comparable to a sorted M2 Benelli. If I was inclined towards a gas gun I'd buy the Beretta 1301, I've had a go of one. They're very relaible and soft shooting so ideal for women, old people and youngsters.

You need to phone Riflecraft and speak to Bentley. I think the first batch might be almost sold out, but they'll be bringing more in.
Sent you a PM.


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Re: Recommend Badger a Section 1 shotgun

#42 Post by meles meles »

Sent him a PM ? We hopes it a better calibre than the current holder of the office...
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Re: Recommend Badger a Section 1 shotgun

#43 Post by Geek »

meles meles wrote:Sent him a PM ? We hopes it a better calibre than the current holder of the office...
smile2 , smile2, smile2

They are all as bad as each other!, but better than than the last bunch of clowns.


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Re: Recommend Badger a Section 1 shotgun

#44 Post by BamBam »

Geek wrote: Sent you a PM.
I didn't get it, was it due to budget cuts?
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Re: Recommend Badger a Section 1 shotgun

#45 Post by Blackstuff »

Polchraine wrote:I want to try out a 1301 but they are like hens teeth ...

I arranged with GMK to have their demo model at the CLA Game Fair so I could handle and try it out. And what did they do? - did not take it with them. Did they apologise? NO.
I know someone who is selling his on the UKPSA forum, if you want to PM me your email/contact details i can pass them to him?

EDIT: Sorry, read that as you want one, not just try one out. :oops: He's in Chesterfield, Derbyshire so that would be a bit of a trek just for a few shots
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Re: Recommend Badger a Section 1 shotgun

#46 Post by Polchraine »

Blackstuff wrote:
Polchraine wrote:I want to try out a 1301 but they are like hens teeth ...

I arranged with GMK to have their demo model at the CLA Game Fair so I could handle and try it out. And what did they do? - did not take it with them. Did they apologise? NO.
I know someone who is selling his on the UKPSA forum, if you want to PM me your email/contact details i can pass them to him?
Thanks, but it is more a case of trying one out initially. Do you know why he is selling?

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Re: Recommend Badger a Section 1 shotgun

#47 Post by Blackstuff »

He one of those people that buys the newest toy for the sake of it and then sells it a few months later to buy the newest, new toy! :roll: :lol:

Re: Recommend Badger a Section 1 shotgun

#48 Post by Primer »

I've got an M2 and the 1301 (brought it for the wife but it's on my ticket too) both nice guns, can't really say which I prefer, I'd recommend either, the 1301 doesn't come with a welded lifter though, as I keep finding out when I use it after the M2. The 1301 is an extremely popular gun at the moment and Beretta cannot keep up with demand, very popular with the ladies and small framed men as recoil is pretty low.

I used a club supernova for a few months and never had any feed issues.

The JM 930 pro I hear is a bit ammo fussy and needs a lot of cleaning to keep it running well.

I know of 2 people at my club with the Browning A5 and they have had nothing but problems with them, extremely ammo fussy, one of them has stopped using his and the other must be a female version as its so temperamental with what ammo it will cycle, it will run fine for a few weeks on one type and then another week it won't cycle a single round properly, we must have tried a dozen or more makes of ammo that will run fine in the rest of our guns, a couple of the guys I shoot with have stopped training with him as they were wasting so many training days trying to sort the gun out they were never shooting.

Oh and steer clear of the Hatsan Escort, what a nasty nasty gun that is.

Re: Recommend Badger a Section 1 shotgun

#49 Post by techguy »

Primer wrote:
Oh and steer clear of the Hatsan Escort, what a nasty nasty gun that is.
In what way? I'm assuming you mean the semi-auto? (which is pretty crap) but the pump is pretty good...
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Re: Recommend Badger a Section 1 shotgun

#50 Post by Sim G »

I have a 20ga Hatsan I bought for my boy must be six, seven years ago. It has never baulked once. I'm seriously thinking about turning S1 as they do an extension tube for it....

Regardless, the M2 is still what everything else is measured against these days and most come up very, very short when compared....
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

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