Explaination of the different shooting disciplines?

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Explaination of the different shooting disciplines?

#1 Post by Fredbloggs »

Hi Folks

Can someone point me to where I can find out about all the different shooting disciplinces.

I understand Shotgun stuff (Clays) etc and I've shot air rifle target shooting in the dim and distance past, but where can I find out about things like 'Queens' etc.

I just want a page etc on all the different disciplines and their rules, I notice that it asks you to to vote in another part of the forum on what you you would like to shoot.

So is there somewhere hidden in this forum, all this info condensed into one topic/s fingerscrossed

I'll bet its hidden in the library bits that newbies cannot access. And I've just noticed that the grumpy old men thread has disappeared as well

**** That was the best read/most entertaining part tesnews

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Re: Explaination of the different shooting disciplines?

#2 Post by johngarnett »

Hi Fred,

To simplify what could be a long answer.... there are two books, called Gallery Rifle & Pistol Handbook and The Bisley Bible that spring to my mind. Both are available from the NRA at Bisley.

The Gallery Rifle covers from air pistol to 12g shotgun comps, including some 'proper' rifle comps.

The 'Bible' is really a rule book of the annual NRA Imperial Comp in July but it does contain a lot of info. Both cover courses of fire and firearm types.

If you thin out your thoughts there are experts on here that can expand for you!!

Good luck

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Re: Explaination of the different shooting disciplines?

#3 Post by dromia »

This worth a read and is lodged in the Library also, unfortunately it appears never to have been completed.

http://darlingtonshooting.org.uk/Public ... ooting.pdf

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Re: Explaination of the different shooting disciplines?

#4 Post by Fredbloggs »


That is a very interesting and upto date document, thank you. :cheers:

I could not find anything like this on the net, just lots of disjointed info.

I wanted to find out what you are expected to do for some of the target shooting diciplinces as I suffer with a rare type of arthritus and as I'm looking at clubs in my area I dont want to waste everyone time if I find I cannot use their range, eg one of the outdoor clubs only seems to allow prone shooting for all the shooting disciplines! does that make sense.

Anyway better load it onto my tablet and kindle, a bit of late night reading me thinks.


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Re: Explaination of the different shooting disciplines?

#5 Post by dromia »

Clubs are bound by their range certificates as to what they can do commensurate with safety, I know few outdoor ranges that only allow prone shooting as benched or standing would increase the angles beyond those of the safety template and increase the risk of shots going out with the range.

The best thing to do is take the time to visit any prospective club when the secretary is there and talk it all through with them and ask your questions, see how they operate and get a feel for the club and its membership, all clubs have different characters and finding one that suits you is important to feeling comfortable and enjoying your shooting which is what it is all about. It is worth taking time over to find the right club for you, compromises and choices will have to be made but they should be informed ones.

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Re: Explaination of the different shooting disciplines?

#6 Post by Fredbloggs »


I fully understand the technical issues with only shooting prone on some ranges, but I have found it difficult to talk to people at several clubs, (No email addresses or phone details on their web pages etc).
I just wanted to understand exactly what is involved with the various disciplines and I what can do at the various clubs if I can talk to someone.
I have also found out that several outdoor clubs in the area will not allow you to turn up without applying for membership due to their rules. Basically I have to apply and put cheques in the post etc before I can see people face to face.
If these clubs do not make it easier to contact them and have people for guest days to see for themselves what is involved how are they/we going to make the sport/s grow or even survive. I can see me joining several clubs so that I can do the things I want to do, included in that are taking my kids to shoot on guest days etc as they are both very interested and have done archery/air rifle/pistol and abit with shotguns already.

Sorry for rambling on troutslapping

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Re: Explaination of the different shooting disciplines?

#7 Post by dromia »

To me a club that is difficult to join and won't give the time speaking to prospective members to ensure mutual suitability the they are not clubs I would wish to join especially if I was a tyro looking to try as much shooting as possible in order to decide which way to go. I know in our club the secretary and myself put time and effort into helping prospective and new members as that usually pays dividends to the club as we get committed members who contribute in their turn.

Some clubs are little cliques and to be honest I can understand that too but they are best avoided to begin with.

I would have a weather eye on any NRA open days that may be coming up as they can be a good way of trying things.

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Re: Explaination of the different shooting disciplines?

#8 Post by Fredbloggs »


Quote"I would have a weather eye on any NRA open days that may be coming up as they can be a good way of trying things."

Thanks I hadn't thought of doing that, I'll do abit of googling and find out whats going on.

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Re: Explaination of the different shooting disciplines?

#9 Post by dromia »

Give them a ring or look on their web site, personally I find it difficult to navigate so a phone call might be best. They are intermittent at replying to emails.

If you get any info post it on the National body forum, there are sure to be others interested.

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Re: Explaination of the different shooting disciplines?

#10 Post by johngarnett »

If you can wait until May 23rd there is the Phoenix Meeting at Bisley. You can see a wide range of comps being shot. You can view goodies and you can get to talk to competitors about their disciplines.

I have no problem in talking to strangers about shooting, particularly when I'm the one with the gun and I've shot my comp!! :shakeshout:

See you there - 84 days 17 hrs!!

JohnG :cornwall:
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