Competitative GRSB Rifle

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Competitative GRSB Rifle

#1 Post by BritBloke »

OK so what do the successful competition shooters use? Is there a particular rifle/sight combo that is successful at the SAW and Phoenix meetings? What should I be looking for to have a fighting chance in a competition (no quips about the loose nut behind the bolt!!! ;)


Re: Competitative GRSB Rifle

#2 Post by Tony-c »

the 10-22 in the for sale section would hit the spot :)
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Re: Competitative GRSB Rifle

#3 Post by Mattnall »

Would depend what GRSB discipline you would want to specialise in.

For a general GRSB rifle mainly shooting the quicker more dynamic disciplines I'd pick a 10/22 every time. It won't hold a ha'penny at 25yds anymore (probably never did) but it is more than competitive enough for GR.
My 10/22 is over 25 years old, has won, and been placed in, the Speed Steels and the Advancing Target more times than I can count, and a host of medals in various other disciplines. It has had well over half a million rounds in competition since new (and countless subs against bunnies, etc) and the only modification is a target hammer which made the trigger pull a lot crisper.
The only problem I've had with it in all that time is when I recently cleaned it (a rare occurrence) one of the hammer bushings fell apart. That was only last year and I have no idea how long it was functioning in that state.

A most reliable and often maligned rifle.
Arming the Country, one gun at a time.

Good deals with Paul101, Charlotte the flyer, majordisorder, Charlie Muggins, among others. Thanks everybody.

Re: Competitative GRSB Rifle

#4 Post by BritBloke »

Thanks, and what sight are you using for Steels and Advancing Tgt, red dot for target acqusition?
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Re: Competitative GRSB Rifle

#5 Post by Mattnall »

I use a 1.5-5 x 20 Simmons WTC.

Cost me £40 many years ago and is perfect for the many types of shooting I do with the 10/22.
For Steels and Adv Tgt I have it wound down to 1.bowl and I can see the foresight and plenty of barrel in the generous wide angle. I can pick up the close targets quickly. In the steels it is the shortest time to first shot that usually wins the competition.

The bowl allows me to see the targets out at distance and pick out rabbits in sneaky places where the lower mag wouldn't help.
Arming the Country, one gun at a time.

Good deals with Paul101, Charlotte the flyer, majordisorder, Charlie Muggins, among others. Thanks everybody.

Re: Competitative GRSB Rifle

#6 Post by Fester »

It just depends how deep your pocket is from 1022 up
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Re: Competitative GRSB Rifle

#7 Post by CormieAckImp »

Realistically, you're tied to a 10/22. It's a shame there isn't more variety but there are just so many parts available for them as well as support. Add the fact that there so easy to work on and you'll see why they dominate.

My advice? Buy the cheapest 10/22 you can find and start from there, unless you can find a 2nd hand competition rifle on the forums/trading sites but these tend to be snapped up at club level. The standard controls aren't great so a big mag release and auto bolt release are clever mods. Standard triggers are dire. Buy a drop in hammer/sear, get a gunsmith to modify it, or get your hand in your pocket for a KID unit! A decent stock that fits you and an decent barrel would have you on the line with equipment to match anyone.

Scopes are a minefield as there are so many but variables are the way forward, do for something that goes down reasonably low, say 3 or 4 and has plenty of top end, 14 to 24, that would see you covered for any eventuality.

I have a heap of 10/22 parts, PM me if you want any information.
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