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Re: New Old Person

#11 Post by meles meles »

20series wrote:
Iain wrote: lots of nice folks on her mate...
Here's a spare 'e' to put in that clause, ooman. It could save some embarrassment and maybe a kick in the teeth...
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Re: New Old Person

#12 Post by Iain »

Many thanks to all for the very kind welcome. I only hope I can make a positive contribution to the site.

BTW...........meles meles.... you've got your work cut out correcting 20series. I've been trying since he was best man at my wedding :goodjob: (well I say best man.......... :roll: ) :run:
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Re: New Old Person

#13 Post by IainWR »

Hi Iain


Let's not get confused.

For the record

IainWR = Iain Robertson, RAFSAA RFD Holder and RAFTRC Police Liaison Officer, NRA Firearms Manager, ICFRA TR Chairman, etc

Iain= Iain!


(still with me?)
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meles meles
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Re: New Old Person

#14 Post by meles meles »

IainWR wrote: IainWR = Iain Robertson, RAFSAA RFD Holder and RAFTRC Police Liaison Officer, NRA Firearms Manager, ICFRA TR Chairman, etc

He forgot to mention KT SK*

* Not Knight of the Holy Order of Saint Kyrius

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Re: New Old Person

#15 Post by ovenpaa »

Welcome to the forum 'the other Iain', at least you are in a fairly select group, if you had been named Dave or David you would probably be #30 on the list!

If you fancy getting into fullbore at longer distances Barton Road is just below Cambridge so probably a 3/4 hour drive from your neck of the woods. BR extends to 1200 yards and is used by a few civilian clubs including Grove, BRPC and the VAA plus some of the College rifle clubs.

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Re: New Old Person

#16 Post by Iain »


I'll do my best not to confuse things too much. Maybe see you in the Club bar if you're at Bisley for any of the RAF Smallbore Championship events?


Heard a lot about Barton Rd and would love to give it a go, but I've never found out who to speak to about a guest visit so that I can suss out costs, etc. Not owning a full-bore (yet) is also a problem. I'm using the club guns at Barnwell range until the wife earns enough for me to get one of my own (good job she doesn't read this) fingerscrossed
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Re: New Old Person

#17 Post by ovenpaa »

Iain, I shoot with Grove and we do not have guest days however the BRPC may still be having guest days and I would enjoy getting down to see the old crew again so maybe we can tie a visit in together.

Downside is the BRPC days are usually short distances around the 100-200 mark where as the Grove days we shoot are 800/1000/1200

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Re: New Old Person

#18 Post by HALODIN »

Hi Iain, welcome aboard and see you at Barnwell sometime. :good:


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