Section proofing

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Section proofing

#1 Post by Demonic69 »

I keep reading about the need to have a shotgun re-proofed if you're changing it from section 1 to 2 or vice versa.
I can find no legislation or guidance stating that this is necessary and it just seems to be a self perpetuating internet myth.
An RFD and an FEO have both said it's unnecessary, just get your local firearms to check the gun out when it's with the gunsmith doing the work, unless you're on an FAC, then you're ok. Although you'd think gunsmiths would be trusted the force that approved them.
So does anyone know where this is written as fact?

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Re: Section proofing

#2 Post by ovenpaa »

If a semi automatic shotgun is restricted from S1 to S2 it will need to be inspected by the Proof house and a certificate of restriction issued. I have a couple of such certificates here, I will see if I can dig them out for the exact wording.

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Re: Section proofing

#3 Post by Demonic69 »

Nice one David. I thought there must be something to it, just couldn't find anything
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Re: Section proofing

#4 Post by ovenpaa »

I had a think about this, certainly of a Section 1 has been restricted to a three shot and sold as such there must be documented evidence as to the class of shotgun however I do wonder how many RFD's will look on such work in the same way as a suppressor and sell them to the end user out of proof with the advise that the end user must get the can or indeed the shotgun Proofed if they ever sell it.

Staking and crimping a magazine tube is a few minutes work on a good day and (from memory) the Proof is GBP7.50+VAT however add the shipping both ends and all of a sudden a magazine crimp becomes a GBP60+ job.

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Re: Section proofing

#5 Post by Demonic69 »

The onus is usually on the RFD to make sure what they're selling is appropriate to the licence as far as I can see, I don't know if that applies in this case but it would seem logical. None of the proof acts seem to cover shotgun magazines though

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Re: Section proofing

#6 Post by Demonic69 »

Found the doc searching for something barely related! ... s-2010.pdf
Covers how to restric and that all restricted shotguns should be proofed. Doesn't say anything about new shotguns not being proofed or the need to re-proof if you de-restrict, other than to take the marks off (which probably aren't there anyways).
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