SIRT Dryfire practice

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Re: SIRT Dryfire practice

#11 Post by Blu »

Demonic69 wrote:How much are they though?

I don't read my own signature!
Demonic69, here's the website mate,

Cost start at $339 (around 205 of your very fine British pounds). Not a bad price at all.

Blu :twisted:

Re: SIRT Dryfire practice

#12 Post by IsleShoot »

Blu wrote:
Cost start at $339 (around 205 of your very fine British pounds). Not a bad price at all!
And when you consider the cost of .22lr ammo which is say £30 for 500 which I burn through like nobodies business, I will have paid it off in ammo saving within 6mths

Re: SIRT Dryfire practice

#13 Post by Blu »

IsleShoot wrote:
Blu wrote:
Cost start at $339 (around 205 of your very fine British pounds). Not a bad price at all!
And when you consider the cost of .22lr ammo which is say £30 for 500 which I burn through like nobodies business, I will have paid it off in ammo saving within 6mths
Well there you go, anything that says money in the long term has to be a good thing.

Re: SIRT Dryfire practice

#14 Post by Demonic69 »

That's really not bad, I expected at least double!

I don't read my own signature!

Re: SIRT Dryfire practice

#15 Post by IsleShoot »

Finally got round to posting this!


Obviously it not a patch on the real deal but for dry-fire practice you'd be hard pushed to beat it. I've added some scaled down IPSC classic targets from DAA and a couple of extra training mags from IPSCstore. Together in a handy large pistol bag also from DAA it makes a pretty niffty go anywhere dry-fire kit that I can throw in the suitcase when I'm away with work.


The SIRT pistol is identical to the glock 17 in size and the weight including the magazine which is bang on, so it makes for a realistic training tool for reloading drills and draws etc... The trigger is terrible, clunky and clicky, it can be adjusted but I haven't quite worked out how yet? The laser (which can be adjusted for windage & elevation) is brilliant. I stopped using the primary laser soon after getting it as I found it distracting and I am a little bit concerned it could lead to bad habits (looking for the laser when shooting for real) but the fall of shot indicator (as pic above) is great and really adds to the quality of the training.

All in all I'd say anybody thinking about competing on the IPSC circuit should seriously think about getting one of these. Cost is a factor but with the cost of ammo you will recupe your investment relatively quickly.

Re: SIRT Dryfire practice

#16 Post by Gundoc »

Is it a decent fit into a glock specific holster?

Re: SIRT Dryfire practice

#17 Post by IsleShoot »

Gundoc wrote:Is it a decent fit into a glock specific holster?
It's a 1:1 replica so you shouldn't have any problems with getting a holster for it, plenty of choice for Glock lovers out there. I'm using my DAA Racemaster holster with the Glock insert, works great but I have been advised that due to the various generations of Glock 17s and multiple molds used in their production, slight variations do exist so some fettling can be required. On that subject I did have to use a bit of 240grit on the blue mags to get them free falling from the SIRT.

Re: SIRT Dryfire practice

#18 Post by IsleShoot »

Blu wrote:Right guys, I have just spoken to Ryan who is the international sales manager from Next Level Training that sells these training aids and guess what? The will indeed ship them to individuals in the UK. In fact if you mention that you are a competition shooter and want to use it for practice you will get a discount. These are not covered by ITAR as they are classed as inert training aids that cannot be modified or converted in any way to fire live ammunition and the company puts a letter in the box when it ships to state that and for information for UK customs.

Ryan is going to email me all his contact details along with a copy of said customs declaration and I will post it here in PDF format when I get it so you can have a look.

Hope this helps

Blu :twisted:
Blu, Have you still got that Ryan chaps details? A buddy of mine is looking to get one of these SIRTs now too.

Re: SIRT Dryfire practice

#19 Post by Omega »

Hi, everybody.
I wonder what you think about SIRT after several months of owning it. Is it still good piece of kit?
I also wonder about getting the item - I don't want to get involved with customs, would you know who could help me import it and at the same time validate that I can legally import it to the UK?
Thanks a lot
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Re: SIRT Dryfire practice

#20 Post by dromia »

Several months? It is a two year old thread!

Suggest you contact the supplier to see if they are shipping to individuals in the UK.

Much has happened since this thread was last live.

If it is sent to an individual then customs duty and VAT is added when it comes into the country which you have to pay before you get the package.

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