froggy wrote:Wunderbar !! An other Johnny Foreigner I take it ?
Herzlich Willkommen Fritz ! Ich freue mich Sie kennenzulernen !
Once you settle down, I hope you will tell us all about the Schützenverein & the local Schützenfest !
Yep from Austria and currently again in Austria. Was away for more than 10 years tho. 3 of it in London.
Living in Graz which is in the south of Austria around 20min from Slowenia. Graz is the second largest city in Austria but that means only around 500k people in the metropolitan area max. Graz itself has around 300k. Nice thing here is that we still have mediterranian climate as the climate border is around 25km north. Meaning we have similar weather like Northern Italy. It can get cold in winter and also snow but normally we have nearly no snow and temperatures similar to London in winter. Maybe a tack cooler. However, real winter is quite short and we frequently have first days of 20 degrees in Feb and also days in the 20is still in Nov. Summer can go up to 40+. Last year we had 41,7 as hottest day. However, normal summer temp is around 30 to 35 in the dog days.
Quite overcast in winter but alltogether around 300 days of sunshine
It takes me around 2,5 hours with the car to the adriatic sea.
There are around 7 or 8 shooting clubs in Graz and another 10 or so close. 4 of those with their own dedicated IPSC range. Most are indoor at least those within the city limits.
There is a big outdoor shooting park around 25min away. They offer any type of clay shooting, pistol shooting, rifle ranges up to 300m and some hunting type shooting. Unfortunately no IPSC there.
I myself am member of a club that is around 45min away cause my parents live there and I can shoot long gun in the cellar there at least in some calibers. Also can shoot any kind of shotgun incl slugs. Many other clubs dont allow that indoor. Also have my own key so can go 24/7. We have 2 cellars with the possibility to refurbish another one if we ever find the money and time. We have around 2 to 3 handgun IPSC Matches there per year and around 1 or 2 CAS. Also doing one IPSC Shotgun Match a year and this year it will be the Austrian Championship (where I will be the match director)
There is also an army high mountain training center close where you can shoot up to around 1000m at least some days per year.
Overall nice area as most other matches in Austria are in range (Vienna for example is only 1,5 hours with the car) There are also several matches in Slovenia, Croatia even Serbia but also Hungary, Italy, CZ, Slovakia and Germany. All within 5 to 6 hours tops with the car. Debrecen where the Shotgun World Shot was is around 6 hours.
Not much of a local Schützenfest tho

. Sometimes BBQ