Another Sponsor Added:
Accuracy International Portsmouth Factory Tours
Anglo Custom Rifles Free Custom Build Labour
Moore Leather Leather Slings
JD Reloading 2x Die Sets & Gift Voucher
Spud1967 Gift Voucher
CSRShooter Entry Fees for 1st Match of the 2014/15 Winter League
Dolphin Gun Company AI Single Shot Mag Followers
Hockham Deer Management Group 1 days Deer Stalking in either in Norfolk or Sussex
Valkyrie Rifles Gift Voucher
March Scopes UK Litz Books
Tacfire Systems Defcon 5 Drag Bag
The Shooting Shed Bullet Comparator, Scope Alignment System and AI Cleaning Rod Guide
Primetake Factory Tour, .338 & 50 cal Sniper Rifle Shooting Experience and Pub Lunch
Ludicrous-Lumes Torch
Targetmaster Discount Voucher towards Targetmaster purchase
DTA Europe £150 donation towards Trophies
Bruce Hutton Targets 4 Steel Gong Targets
C2R Bore Cleaner Cleaning Products
Aerotherm £50 cash prize to the best 'Chris Costa' Lookie Likey
Low Mill Ranges Bullets
FMJ Firearms Rifle Cerakote Paint Job
Bradley Arms MPro7 CLP and Copper Remover
Del Boy International Arms Dealer - 3x Black 5.56mm PMags
TAB Gear Range Mat and sling accessories.
This match is now full, I am running a reserve list if you want to try to secure a place on someone dropping out. If you send an Entry Form and Payment any places that become available will will be allocated to those that have pre-paid, if you don't get a place your Entry Fee will be returned.