A couple of extras on my Vepr 12

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Re: A couple of extras on my Vepr 12

#31 Post by snayperskaya »

breacher wrote:
snayperskaya wrote:ussrflag Very nice Mr B ussrflag

Is that an SVDS recoil pad I spy on the butt?.
Is there such a thing ?

I thought there was only one pad - the AK grenade launcher pad - which has been used by snipers in an improvised manner.

Whatever its origin - it transforms the feel of the butt in the shoulder. Very grippy and soaks up recoil.
Theres two types, the GP-30 grenade launcher type and the Dragunov SVD/SVDS type.They have different sized recesses for the stock as the end of a Dragunov stock is larger than an AK stock.

This is the GP-30 version, with the "hook" on the bottom.I had one of these pads on my AK-104 which had the skeleton sidefolding stock and it wouldn't fit my SVDS as it was too small.
download (1).jpg
download (1).jpg (4.4 KiB) Viewed 738 times
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Re: A couple of extras on my Vepr 12

#32 Post by froggy »

I thought there was only one pad - the AK grenade launcher pad
I thought as well, so thanks very much for those explanations Tovarich :good:

Re: A couple of extras on my Vepr 12

#33 Post by HALODIN »

Thanks. Gotta say I love the Vepr and I'll be disappointed if I don't fill my S1 shottie slot with one of these.

Yes I'd say so too, but I've noticed you can get 10rd mags for the Vepr and I was comparing it to the Bora BR99 really. Do the Vepr mags drop free?

I've shot the Bora and it was a bucket load of fun, so I can only imagine the Vepr is that ^X. :good:
breacher wrote:Cannot say - i dont do psg - i use it for slug only, in target shotgun events. There 6 is enough.

I would imagine loading even a 5rd twice would be as fast as loading 10 in a tube ?

What i can say is that with slug its the closest simulation you will get to shooting a semi auto fullbore AK. I use a semi auto AK at work from time to time and it feels the same. Nice to be able to practice all the same drills and replicate the overall handling, even though it has very few stoppage to need any stoppage drills.
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Re: A couple of extras on my Vepr 12

#34 Post by snayperskaya »

Get two 10r mags and tape them together! :good:

As Breacher said the Vepr is as close as you can get to the semi-auto AK experience in the UK.Tried one on a range abroad and they will bump-fire like an Ak ( not condoning this sort of behaviour as its very very naughty and the big foreign boys made me do it!!!)
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Re: A couple of extras on my Vepr 12

#35 Post by HALODIN »

I'm already sold on the idea, I just need to know if the mags drop free and then I'm probably good to go! :grin:
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Re: A couple of extras on my Vepr 12

#36 Post by Blackstuff »

HALODIN wrote:I'm already sold on the idea, I just need to know if the mags drop free and then I'm probably good to go! :grin:
It depends on the model. Some you have to rock in and out, others just go in/out straight like an AR mag

Re: A couple of extras on my Vepr 12

#37 Post by froggy »

Dunno on the Molot Vepr but they don't on AK47 or Vz. However that should not be a worry as with the correct technique & practice you can end-up speed loading as fast as you would with an AR platform.
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Re: A couple of extras on my Vepr 12

#38 Post by snayperskaya »

Vepr12 mags go straight in, Saiga12 mags are "rock n lock" like an AK.there are magwell adapters available for Saigas to convert them to straight in using Vepr mags.
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Re: A couple of extras on my Vepr 12

#39 Post by breacher »

Oleg has a few saigas just just come in for those who want something cheaper than the vepr.

My advice - spend the extra and get the vepr.

Yes mags drop free and you can do the mag change ak style ( look at youtube ) where you take fresh mag in weak hand, retaining control with strong hand. You then slide the fresh mag forward along trigger guard hitting release tab and inserting fresh mag as empty one drops.

Re: A couple of extras on my Vepr 12

#40 Post by HALODIN »

I thought all the Veprs had AR style push in/drop out mags and the Saiga 12's had the AK style rock in and out mags. Am I wrong?
Blackstuff wrote:It depends on the model. Some you have to rock in and out, others just go in/out straight like an AR mag
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