FAC/SGC application fee

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FAC/SGC application fee

#1 Post by FencepostError »

I'm ready to send off the application for the grant of a new coterminous FAC/SGC, and I'm not sure if I should be enclosing a cheque at this point or not (and for how much - though I can probably find that bit out pretty easily). Devon and Cornwall Police's website talks about the fee for renewal but not grant, so far as I can see. Or I'm just being stupid, which is entirely possible.

Can anyone say if I should be paying at this point, or some later point in the process?

Re: FAC/SGC application fee

#2 Post by zanes »

Yes, you include the cheque with your application (they'll cash it before you hear anything, possibly a long time before).

From the Glos constabulary website:
Cheques, to support the application, should be made out to The PCC for Gloucestershire (Police and Crime Commissioner for Gloucestershire) to the value of £ 50. Do not include cash.

Should you wish to also hold a shotgun certificate, or renew a current shotgun certificate, it will be necessary to submit the form, fully completed. The fee is increased by £10 to a total of £60.
Your fee will be the same (£60) but you will need to ask who you should make the cheque out to.

Re: FAC/SGC application fee

#3 Post by FencepostError »

zanes wrote:Your fee will be the same (£60) but you will need to ask who you should make the cheque out to.
Thanks! They have payee info for renewals so should be the same, I'd think.

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