Which club to join?

New to the sport? Or just not sussed something out yet? Please ask your questions in here, there are many experienced shooters on the forum and someone will for sure come along and answer your question. This is a section for new shooters so if anyone can think of something please submit it.

Moderator: dromia


Re: Which club to join?

#11 Post by Robin128 »


Can you indicate to Porcupine which clubs to approach?

Posts: 292
Joined: Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:24 am
Home club or Range: TFSA
Location: Basingstoke

Re: Which club to join?

#12 Post by ptheta »

I'm based in Basingstoke and joined TFSA (http://www.tfsa.co.uk/) as they shoot on an indoor range for small bore and gallery and then have regular club trips to Bisley. I don't know if there's any spaces available right now as the club is pretty full but you can always ask.

The other place I considered was Itchen Valley (http://www.ivsc.co.uk/) but I see the web site says they're full too although you might get on a waiting list. Probably worth asking.

Sorry that's not as helpful as it could be but you might get lucky. I certainly don't know of any other clubs that shoot lots of different disciplines so I think other than these the NRA club is probably your best bet for getting started. You could probably find a small bore club local to you in addition to the NRA full bore days if you went down that route.

Re: Which club to join?

#13 Post by HeatherW762 »

Robin128 wrote:Heather,

Can you indicate to Porcupine which clubs to approach?

We've been pm'ing


Re: Which club to join?

#14 Post by Robin128 »

Nice one Heather!

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