.36 Muzzle Loading Revolver

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Sim G
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.36 Muzzle Loading Revolver

#1 Post by Sim G »

After a .36 M/L revolver, but quite specific.

Built like a Remington 1858, they had a shorter barrel around 5.5 inches and adjustable target sights. I seem to remember they were marketed by Western Arms, but unlikely to have been made by them.
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

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Re: .36 Muzzle Loading Revolver

#2 Post by Sim G »

Managed to locate exactly what I was looking for on Gunstar..... But it was deactivated! WTF!

So, anyone got anything in .36 slightly interesting? Prepared to expand my search criteria...
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

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Re: .36 Muzzle Loading Revolver

#3 Post by dromia »

How about a 44 with a 7" barrel?

Careful patching and you will have a sabot with the ability to send a humble 36 ball at magnum velocities.

Barrel length is nothing that a hacksaw and new blade won't cure and as for adjustable sights a portable vice and a good mash hammer will work just as well. I'd throw a mash hammer in with the price.

Why be so bloody picky?

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Re: .36 Muzzle Loading Revolver

#4 Post by pe4king »

He could have had that Purdy lil thang I sold to you if he was quicker
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Re: .36 Muzzle Loading Revolver

#5 Post by dromia »

And purdy it is indeed.

Not for sale though. :twisted:

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Re: .36 Muzzle Loading Revolver

#6 Post by Sim G »

Couple of bloody wags, you two.....! :55:

Anyway, would have had Kev's "Purdy Pistol" off him, but I had done a deal, or thought I had, for a 70's vintage Colt Navy. Even though it was a "Second Generation" the price was good and it was a Colt after all.... Er, no! It wasn't a Colt, but an Italian replica. In itself not an issue, but not at Colt prices!

So, I thought about the little .36 Western Arms I'd passed up 10 years ago or so. I've already got a ROA and a couple of Uberti .44s, and I have a vacant slot....

So, now widening the search. Anyone got a .36 they want to let go? Preferably interesting....
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

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Re: .36 Muzzle Loading Revolver

#7 Post by dromia »

A 44/36 would be "interesting".

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