FAC question (yep, afraid so...)

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FAC question (yep, afraid so...)

#1 Post by Kungfugerbil »

Afternoon all. I'm after some collective wisdom - or whatever you have to offer in lieu of that ;)

I've been shooting smallbore at my local club (Whitby) and have just become a full member. It's a great club for prone 25m but apart from a range where you are permitted to use lightweight sporting rifles there aren't any other disciplines offered.

I'm keen to continue shooting smallbore at the club but also progress to shooting fullbore long-range targets, pistol-calibre carbines and also practical shotgun. I'm trying to locate suitable clubs and there are a few out there, albeit a fair way away.

I'm just filling in my FAC application which my club has said they have no issue with. I'm obviously going to put down for a .22LR bolt-action rifle and a .22Lr semi-auto lightweight sporting rifle, both target use.

As I am not a full member of clubs that shoot the other disciplines yet (but fully intend to be) am I right in thinking there would be no point in putting in for 38/357, S1 shotgun or .308 yet? Previous advice given to folks seems to be "ask for everything you are likely to use in the next 5 years" but is a few sessions at another club (and being a provisional member) enough? Ditto for practical shotgun - is it sufficient to be a member of, say, UKPSA or do you need to be a full member of a club that runs events?

Would it be better to get the grant for the smallbore then do a variation for the rest, or do the licencing folk frown upon variations coming in a few months after a grant?

If you've made it this far, all opinions welcome and appreciated :)

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Re: FAC question (yep, afraid so...)

#2 Post by dromia »

I would suggest that firstly you join a club that shoots all the types of shooting you wish to do.

However in joining another club you may have to do their probationary period so you would be back to square one in regards getting your FAC in.

Therefore get your FAC with the current club an put on what you can, I'd go for half a dozen 22 slots, if that is all your club shoots, then when you get to join a club that is more receptive to what you want to shoot you can just do one for ones and save the fee.

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Re: FAC question (yep, afraid so...)

#3 Post by HALODIN »

Whilst Bisley does offer the facility to shoot full-bore, I believe you need a "shooters card" to certify you're safe with specific calibers on military ranges. Of course if your local club can't certify you, then you're stuck. I think dromia's reply is a good one.
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Re: FAC question (yep, afraid so...)

#4 Post by Blackstuff »

With regard to PSG being a member of the UKPSA is usualyl good enough, but you'll obviosuly need details of the club you intend to shoot at (you don't need to be a member of that club as well though). They may ask you to do the Basic Safety Course though. Bit of a bugger as they just ran a BSC in Huddersfield last week!

Re: FAC question (yep, afraid so...)

#5 Post by JS569 »

Maybe a question for dromia here, but some clubs hire ranges for a day or as an FAC holder you can book range time or compete with full bores on an ad hoc basis on what effectively isn't your 'home range'. For instance you can shoot at diggle if your not a member. So to state you want to use full bore on H.O approved ranges to target shoot or compete, would that not be a suitable reason?

Looking at my FAC, one of the conditions for my military rifles is that it is for use with my club XZY on their ranges and on HO approved ranges (or to that effect).

In this instance would this not be an approach to take so that once he has his FAC he can visit other ranges and shoot whilst a member? I could be completely wrong but it was just a thought?

Re: FAC question (yep, afraid so...)

#6 Post by HALODIN »

I think I answered that above. You need a shooters card AFAIK and without a range to prove your competency on, how do you get your shooters card? It think it's catch-22.
JS569 wrote:Maybe a question for dromia here, but some clubs hire ranges for a day or as an FAC holder you can book range time or compete with full bores on an ad hoc basis on what effectively isn't your 'home range'. For instance you can shoot at diggle if your not a member. So to state you want to use full bore on H.O approved ranges to target shoot or compete, would that not be a suitable reason?

Looking at my FAC, one of the conditions for my military rifles is that it is for use with my club XZY on their ranges and on HO approved ranges (or to that effect).

In this instance would this not be an approach to take so that once he has his FAC he can visit other ranges and shoot whilst a member? I could be completely wrong but it was just a thought?

Re: FAC question (yep, afraid so...)

#7 Post by JS569 »

So you need a shooters card to shoot on third party ranges? I just thought they were for Bisley or Military ranges which is why I have mine. Also if it is a certified guest day, the guests won't have the cards but still shoot?

Re: FAC question (yep, afraid so...)

#8 Post by Demonic69 »

I have full-bore that I can't shoot at my own range. You just need to explain your arrangements, Diggle, guest days etc

Re: FAC question (yep, afraid so...)

#9 Post by HALODIN »

I thought so, but perhaps I'm wrong.
JS569 wrote:So you need a shooters card to shoot on third party ranges? I just thought they were for Bisley or Military ranges which is why I have mine. Also if it is a certified guest day, the guests won't have the cards but still shoot?
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Re: FAC question (yep, afraid so...)

#10 Post by meles meles »

There's a bore on most ranges that you're not allowed to shoot...
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