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All groups are welcome to post unless your user name is in Newly Registered Red, your post will be removed.
No disparaging remarks, if you don't like what you see then don't buy it.
Want some different coloured 50 round 308 ammo cases the plastic flip top ones - I have 4 green & 4 blue, but need 4 another colour - red? but better if pink :shakeshout:
Any leads?
Quality control of Scottish Ethanol. & RDX/HMX
& my fav chemical is :-) 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine.......... used to kill frogs.... but widely consumed & in vast quantities by the French? Eh?
i bought some in 44 and 45acp from midway, but the £8 postage is a pain. i did a lot of hunting and found this ebay seller. i have ordered some boxes at what looks to be a very good price. ... 34.c0.m322
they should be arriving very soon, i can let you know if i have issues?? at least ebay has a goood claims proceedure :)
When guns are outlawed, only Outlaws will have guns
bradaz11 wrote:i bought some in 44 and 45acp from midway, but the £8 postage is a pain. i did a lot of hunting and found this ebay seller. i have ordered some boxes at what looks to be a very good price. ... 34.c0.m322
they should be arriving very soon, i can let you know if i have issues?? at least ebay has a goood claims proceedure :)
Hmn.......... Box 4.33 post 6quid? total price 10.50 vs shop 4.50! = rip off.
Quality control of Scottish Ethanol. & RDX/HMX
& my fav chemical is :-) 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine.......... used to kill frogs.... but widely consumed & in vast quantities by the French? Eh?