Shot through about 200 rounds yesterday with only 3 failures, 2 were probably mag related, pushing the rounds at the wrong angle. The 3rd was a duff round, decent hit by the firing pin but no bang.
Shot a mixed bag of ammo, some mini mag, geko, cci standard, Remington golden bullet and Blazer. Everything fired fine, even in the cold weather. Had to tap the mag a few times but they should, and did, improve with use.
Considering the gun is rated for HV only I was pleasantly surprised!
The 25rd mag takes exactly 25, the modified takes about 30, the loading assist is nice in cold.
I didn't get round to fitting any optics but it shot well with the irons, I could hit a leaf in the sand butt at 50m more often than not (really need bugger targets for irons) and came 2nd in a carrot shooting comp and 3rd in a present shooting competition against shooters with scopes... Probably luck though :-)
The gun drew plenty of attention from other shooters too.