Combat Shotgun

All things shotgun related.

Moderator: dromia

Whhat is the best shotgun type for general combat, and why

Poll ended at Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:45 am

a. Pump
b. Semi auto
c. Box Magazine i.e. BR99
Total votes: 27


Combat Shotgun

#1 Post by bofor »

Interesting poll to see reasons.
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Re: Combat Shotgun

#2 Post by TattooedGun »

Not that I've ever used one, or ever likely to be in a combat situation, but I'd go with "none of the above"

Spas 12. Semi Auto with the option to pump if necessary.
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Re: Combat Shotgun

#3 Post by Blackstuff »

Personally speaking, and not that i expect i'd ever have to, but i'd rather go into combat with virtually any other type of firearm than a shotgun (due to the restricted range). However, there must be a reason that the US and UK militaries have only issued pump-actions (AFAIK) to troops?

That said from first hand experience i've seen just as many pumps foul up as semi's but it's usually caused by operator error than the gun itself and pumps seem to easier to clear than semi's.

Box mag guns are too unweildy to be used for fighting imo, wouldn't like to have to get in/out of a vehicle in a hurry with my BR99 with a 10rd mag in, even if i could lop the barrel down to just in front of the hand guard (although that would be SOOOOOOOOOOO nice....)


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Re: Combat Shotgun

#4 Post by dave_303 »

The states have had a thing for using pump action shotguns since the Great War and have issued a number of variants, currently using the Mossberg 590 and a model of Benelli (semi-auto)

British army issued for use in the Green Zone in Helmand Benelli M4s if I recall
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Re: Combat Shotgun

#5 Post by Sim G »

Blackstuff wrote:However, there must be a reason that the US and UK militaries have only issued pump-actions (AFAIK) to troops?

British military issued Browning Auto 5's in Malaya and other "small wars". More recently, Benelli M4's for 'Stan and Iraq.

The US have issued Remmy 1100's, Mossberg 930's and Benelli M4's.

The SPAS 12 was a big, heavy, awkward, clunky and unreliable piece of kit that would have been long consigned to the bin had Hollywood not thought it cool. Semi and pump combinations are available today in Benelli and Revo guns,
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

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Re: Combat Shotgun

#6 Post by Blackstuff »

Good info :good: I knew some police forces had issued M4's but not any militaries. My most reliable multi-shot shotgun is my M2, which i'd rate above the Supernova for reliablilty/useability
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Re: Combat Shotgun

#7 Post by Sim G »

I've been fortunate enough to own and use a fair few "practical" shotguns and the M2 may very we'll be the "best", full stop.

Can't believe I sold mine....
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

Guns dont kill people. Dads with pretty Daughters do...!

Re: Combat Shotgun

#8 Post by nickb834 »

I'd go semi-auto as it's learning curve is shallower for a novice user, in my very limited experience it strikes me that novices will fall foul of short shucking a pump more often than a novice with a semi-auto sees a stoppage.

Also, I'm obviously biased what with having a Mossberg 930 S1 semi.....
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Re: Combat Shotgun

#9 Post by Chuck »

Define "COMBAT" of course.

Pump action, less sensitive to ammo choice, simpler to operate and (unlike a Spas 12) doesn't weigh a ton or fire when you close the bolt...(as SPAS used to). Also easier to transition ammo if you really must: say bird to buck to slug or whatever. If you have to use low power ammo your pump action will work.

Rate of fire not much slower than with a semi - pumps can fire quite rapid (4 shots accurate on 4 targets 1.5 seconds from a low ready).

Range: 100 yards plus with slug is very accurate with decent ghost ring sights - and decent shotgun...My CZ HC-P Pump 12g is rifle accurate at 50 yards with slug, haven't tried it further
CZ HCP.jpg
CZ HCP.jpg (4.14 KiB) Viewed 1784 times
The Safir T14 for example is a semi auto mag fed (36 cal or .410) but is so seriously ammo fussy as to be useless in a SHTF scenario.
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Re: Combat Shotgun

#10 Post by techguy »

The SPAS 12 has to be the worst possible choice! For pretty much *any* situation.

I'd go with a pump. No cleaning necessary, not ammo fussy, not sensitive to how you mount the shotgun (unlike an inertia operated semi).

Something like a Remington 870, or a Mossberg 500. You could drive a truck over either of them and they'd probably carry on working. But saying that, I've said it before and I will say it Hatsan pump has so far been bullet proof. Cheap as chips too. It's my cheapest gun, and one I will never get rid of!
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