Wanted: Sako TRG .308 magazine

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Re: Wanted: Sako TRG .308 magazine

#11 Post by leeroy7031 »

Cad Monkey wrote:I confirm that it was a special order and took 6 months to arrive. I'm not sure why they have no plans to stock it over here, it's a superb compact rifle and great value, especially with the factory fitted 10 round mag floor plate, it's just a shame that It uses the TRG mags . I haven't taken it out to the range yet so I can't comment on it's performance.

I'm looking at one of these in .308 hence why I said I may have one. I plan to drop mine into one of these from MDT http://mdttac.com/lss-chassis-for-tikka-t3.html You can then use standard AI mags and all the AR15 stocks and grips.

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Re: Wanted: Sako TRG .308 magazine

#12 Post by polemass »

200 bucks for a simple magazine???...if you are not in hurry try to convert from another one-no feeding ramp integrated so not to complicated,me think...
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Re: Wanted: Sako TRG .308 magazine

#13 Post by mag41uk »

I see the CTR T3 is going to available in stainless this year as well!
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Re: Wanted: Sako TRG .308 magazine

#14 Post by mag41uk »

I may have a lead to the mags.
Watch this space.
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Re: Wanted: Sako TRG .308 magazine

#15 Post by mag41uk »

Would £150 be tolerable?
Hopefully the price will come down as they become more popular.
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Re: Wanted: Sako TRG .308 magazine

#16 Post by Sim G »

Not a hope. I've been using TRG because RPA decided to go that way because even though their main competitors, AI, mags are almost the benchmark now, they wouldn't do it.

TRG mags used to be 80 quid. Sako got a Middle Eastern contract for the TRG, so the rifle doubled in price as did the mags. The last ones I was quoted for had a recommended price of £180!!

What's worse is, they're not that good. You'd be hard pushed to get 10 rounds in the thing and not a great deal of use causes the hole for the mag catch to open right up to the point it becomes unreliable because the mag no longer fits....

I would purposely avoid any rifle that uses these as the mag system.
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

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Re: Wanted: Sako TRG .308 magazine

#17 Post by Mezzer »

150 quid + for a magazine :bad:

What an absolute load of nonsense!

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