Reliable Budget Shotgun For Clays

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Dark Skies
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Reliable Budget Shotgun For Clays

#1 Post by Dark Skies »

Hoping for some ideas for a reasonably priced and reliable shotgun for local clay meets. I'm going to the Stoneleigh show next month and it'd be handy to go armed with a list of guns to look out for - hopefully benefiting from 'show prices'.

Years ago there used to be a lovely clay range at the back of Drayton village (Oxon.) owned by John Binning with self-operated traps. It was a fairly rough and ready affair and a large portion of shooters were also members of the Dunmore Gun Club - so we all knew each other and nobody batted an eye when I used to shoot (quite well actually) clays with an old Winchester pump up as seen in the trunks of American police cars. :)

After Dunblane both closed. I went onto full bore rifles and, as there was nowhere else nearby, I sold the shotgun and haven't owned one since. There now seems to be quite a few places near me where I'm told people meet up, pay a fee, and shoot clays on a regular basis. This being the case I've now been granted a shotgun cert. to run alongside my FAC.

I'm not looking for anything fancy, no pretty engraving, and a 'name' is not important to me. It needs to be reliable, robust, accurate (obviously) and reasonably priced - think the Ruger 10/22 of shotguns and you're on the right track. I don't like side by sides (I can't explain why - I just don't like the look).

I'm also not quite sure if there is a certain friction in bringing a pump (2 shot mag) or semi-auto to a clay event if I were eventually to get the confidence to do competitions - (but that's wayyyy off for now). Do people get a bit sniffy with these actions?

So ... any ideas? Thanks in advance.
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Re: Reliable Budget Shotgun For Clays

#2 Post by AL8 »

how about a Baikel or a spanish over and under? Lots of gun for little money. As with all guns make sure they fit you and if you can fire a couple of shots before you but it so much the better.
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