It seems from a quick look through that the expected norm is a short intro.
So, Hi,
I now live in Lincoln area (formally of Boston but the less said....

Local club is Reepham RSC (Sat club)
Shooting for a number of years both Mil and Civ, SGC for over 7 years FAC 3 and counting.
There are at least a couple of names I recognise on here from other forums so Hi to you guys, you will know who you are.
Am still coming to terms with the many varied and oft confusing rules and regs around civilian weapon ownership.
Looking to get in to reloading my own as of now,
soon to be purchasing 9mm and .223/5.56
At this time shooting for me is a fun (albeit expensive hobby) though I may eventually get back into the comp side of life I have no plans as yet.