Remington shotgun advice

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Remington shotgun advice

#1 Post by Biter »

Good evening all

I ordered a Remington Wingmaster 870 in September last year and to date it has not turned up, and the supplying dealer has said the distributor is unable to tell them when it will arrive or what is in their deliveries from the USA.

As the owner of a successful international business I can't wrap my head around this. Has anyone here had a Remington shotgun delivered? Is 6+ months normal?

I am not wanting to miss another year of shooting so will probably leave it on order and get a Benelli M2 in the mean time.

Any help really appreciated.

Re: Remington shotgun advice

#2 Post by saddler »

The UK distributor IS Remington (UK)

I'd bin the order and shop elsewhere for a good used one: though "used" would not encompass anything made in the last 4 or 5 years as quality control has taken a big dump in the some very very questionable management decisions.

Was it a S1 or S2 ?

Big fan of the 870. I've got several. A good buy is the Jerry Kuhnhausen book on Remington shotguns.
Quite a few little tweaks you can do to them too.

Re: Remington shotgun advice

#3 Post by saddler »

...oh, before the Benelli/Mossberg/Beretta fanboys chime in; I duracoated my S1 870 a short while back, using colour "Rem 870 black"
What other gun has its own Duracoat colour?
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Sim G
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Re: Remington shotgun advice

#4 Post by Sim G »

Hello Kitty AK...
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

Guns dont kill people. Dads with pretty Daughters do...!
George G

Re: Remington shotgun advice

#5 Post by George G »

The Remington 870 pump-action shotgun is superb, very strong, and is unlikely to let you down. But for action sports there are better pump-guns. The Winchester Ranger 1200-1300 series and the Winchester 120 are better guns for practical shotgun in that they are quicker to cycle because they unlock that little bit faster after firing. They in their turn are beaten by a gun such as the Benelli Supernova, which although it is graunchy and lacks class, has a huge loading port and so can be loaded that little bit faster – enough to make a difference in top-level competition.

Re: Remington shotgun advice

#6 Post by saddler »

WINCHESTER: Better..but only until you need spare parts for one. Makes sense...until you need spares or have worn springs to replace.
George G

Re: Remington shotgun advice

#7 Post by George G »

That is a very good point. I myself am trying to source spares in the UK, so that I do not need to replace my spares by buying from companies in North America on that rare occasion when spares are used. One beautiful thing about the Winchester Ranger 1200/1300 and 120 series 12 bore pump-guns is that spares are compatible, and there are usually several Section II guns available on the UK market at very good prices, to the extent that I am on the point of negotiating with a couple of fellow enthusiasts to buy another Section II gun as a "Christmas tree" of spares.

This brings me to a second point, why buy a Remington 870 new, when for the same price you can buy two second-hand Winchesters, considered the better gun for practical shotgun?

But if you are to spend your money on a new pump-action shotgun for practical shooting, my advice, as set out in my earlier post, would be to buy a Benelli SuperNova.

Re: Remington shotgun advice

#8 Post by Biter »

Quick update.

Many thanks to you all for your advice. I went out and got my hands on the other options. Liked both the Benelli and the Winchester. The Winchester did not quite have the same finish as the Wingmaster and the looks of the Benelli did not blow my skirt up.

So I had settled on the Winchester.... Then out of the blue a new Wingmaster popped up for sale :) so not one to argue with fate I went and purchased it and am thrilled with it.

Remington distribution has now been taken over by another company. Feedback from the various dealers was that I was now more likely to swim across with one than get one imported.

Thanks again guys.
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