New rifle - Sig 522

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New rifle - Sig 522

#1 Post by Kungfugerbil »

This weekend I picked up a lovely new Sig 522 Classic and jolly nice it is too. I had previously read the threads on here about the modified bolt spring design (1 c clip vs 2) and seen pictures of dodgy feed ramps so I checked them both out before purchasing, all good.

It's only my second rifle ever - I only got my ticket Christmas time - and my first semi auto. I took it to the gun club last night to get roughly sighted in - it's really a huge amount of fun :) I had to have the rear sight wound right to the top to get on target, but looking at it when cleaning it the windage screw was sending it off-centre so maybe it's down to that.. I'm sticking a scope on anyway so not overly concerned.

Anyway, great fun and burnt through a box of CCI Blazers that the shop provided like they were going out of fashion... No faults, FTF, FTE - ran like clockwork. Filthy round though - I don't know if Blazers are especially dirty or it's just because I'm not used to semi auto rimfires? A light clean was needed after a box, but then I am fastidious about cleaning really. I can really see why folks say it will gum up after 500 rounds without a clean.

More ammo testing tonight, I'm hopeful it will run with standard velocity ammo as well as HV or I'll have to sweet talk the club as they tend to want to source the ammo used and are primarily Eley folks :)

In summary, it's fab. I love it. It feels well made, adult-sized and intuitive to use. I was grinning after the range session yesterday for about half an hour :)

Oh, and I shot two ten shot rapid-ish-fire groups into 1.5 inch circles at 20 yards, but as I've never shot standing up and just using the factory iron sights I was quite happy with that.
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Re: New rifle - Sig 522

#2 Post by Blackstuff »

One of the lads i shoot mini rifle comps with uses a Sig and it is very nice :good:

.22 rim-fire semi's are always dirty, some more so than others but the actions do need to be cleaned to maintain optimum performance (cue someone with a 10/22 that they've never cleaned ever and put 2000rds a day through 8-) lol )
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Re: New rifle - Sig 522

#3 Post by safetyfirst »

Blazer are a bit dirty. Try CCI AR Tactical, that's clean and destined for feeding in semi auto's.

I ran a CMMG AR15 for 5,000 rounds without cleaning it once, mostly on minimag.

When it finally stopped going into battery due to gunk, I stripped it to discover the firing pin had broken. No idea when, still fired.
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Re: New rifle - Sig 522

#4 Post by dromia »


Come on Bambi get some

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Re: New rifle - Sig 522

#5 Post by Blu »

I've had a Sig 522 for a couple of years now, great little rifle and not fussy about ammo. I sit on the back deck and pop away at a set of self resetting targets.

Re: New rifle - Sig 522

#6 Post by Rburro2 »

Don't go to mad on your cleaning many a good .22 have been destroyed by over zealous cleaning.

Re: New rifle - Sig 522

#7 Post by Blu »

Rburro2 wrote:Don't go to mad on your cleaning many a good .22 have been destroyed by over zealous cleaning.
I clean mine at around every 500 rounds. BTW the Sig 522 will happily cycle sub sonic rounds as well. I just put half a dozen through mine and they cycled no problem.

Re: New rifle - Sig 522

#8 Post by Kungfugerbil »

Well I took it to the club tonight and spent half an hour showing it to folks and letting them have a play - it's quite a traditional club so it was a bit of a novelty for most people.

I put a box each of Eley club and sport through it without any issue whatsoever - both standard velocity. Pleasing. A lot less filthy after 100 rounds than the CCI were after 50 rounds.

I think I am smitten.

Re: New rifle - Sig 522

#9 Post by Blu »

Great little rifle to shoot isn't it! Glad you had fun bangbang yours

Re: New rifle - Sig 522

#10 Post by Kungfugerbil »

As an update I've now put about 700 rounds through it, 5 different brands and a mix of subsonic, standard and high velocity. Not a single issue in any way - cycles, fires and ejects every round perfectly and puts them exactly where I point them.

The front sight post is however much too high - I have to crank the rear up past the top of its markings to get it on target. Looking at the interwebs it seems to be a well-known problem with them - one bloke sent it back to SiG and had it returned saying "just hold an inch high" !

I was planning to ditch the sights altogether and stick a groovy optic on (and may well do so) but I've spotted a postal comp for iron sights I fancy. Two questions therefore to ponder:

1. Filing down the front post to take some height off and make it a little thinner - bad idea?
2. The front sight is fitted in a dovetail and I can't find anywhere the specs of it (and don't have a micro-measuring device). Any clues? I'm contemplating trying to see if a Lyman globe sight would fit...
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