Contacting RFDs Before You Get Your FAC

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Contacting RFDs Before You Get Your FAC

#1 Post by Outsider »

So I'm just a month away from getting full membership status in my club and I'm already getting excited. However, I'm curious about how tolerant gun shops are about 'window shoppers'.

Obviously, this depends entirely on the shop and the people in question and there are probably many different attitudes, but there's a few people I'd like to contact because I'm not sure if they're still active (Merseyside Armoury for one) and a few local gun shops I'd like to look into because they stock/supply firearms that I'd like to purchase.

Speaking generally, how do gun shops deal with people without FACs or Shotgun certificates turning up and looking around or phoning them with questions?
Geordie bloke

Re: Contacting RFDs Before You Get Your FAC

#2 Post by Geordie bloke »

I would think that they should welcome you with open arms if they want your future business!
If they don't and show no consideration or interest, then tell them to go and f**k and take your money somewhere else!
Dealers are just like any other business, so treat them as such. Your the customer mate.

Re: Contacting RFDs Before You Get Your FAC

#3 Post by RobB »

Shouldn't have a problem. You're a new prospective long term client who possibly has lots of other bits and pieces to get seeing as you're just starting.
I even put a deposit down with Fultons for a match rifle and took the club FAC holder up with me to pick it up. It went straight in the Club Armoury. Just because you don't have a FAC doesn't mean they won't hear the cash register rattling :)

Re: Contacting RFDs Before You Get Your FAC

#4 Post by Demonic69 »

All of the ones I visited before I got my FAC were great. They were helpful, offering advice, letting me handle the guns I was interested in and a couple got my deposit :-)

Re: Contacting RFDs Before You Get Your FAC

#5 Post by sidawson »

well i know mcavoys in standish were helpful when i went there to window shop even took a few off the shelf for me to have a proper look at when i told them was still waiting for fac. would be interested to find out about merseyside armory too tho.

Re: Contacting RFDs Before You Get Your FAC

#6 Post by zanes »

Geordie bloke wrote:I would think that they should welcome you with open arms if they want your future business!
If they don't and show no consideration or interest, then tell them to go and f**k and take your money somewhere else!
Dealers are just like any other business, so treat them as such. Your the customer mate.

Depending on what you want, how confident you are and if you have people to advise (if you need it) I'd highly advise going secondhand private.
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