Thinking of starting to reload shotgun cases.
I have nothing but access to plenty of cases but wondering if anyone has
any other bits/presses etc.
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All groups are welcome to post unless your user name is in Newly Registered Red, your post will be removed.
No disparaging remarks, if you don't like what you see then don't buy it.
What sort of shotgun reloading? Bird, buck or slug?
Buck and slug are the only ones really worth the hassle..
Buck and slug are the only ones really worth the hassle..
I'd add that some non-lead wildfowling loads & similar 3" & 3 1/2" shells would also be worth reloading.
Good fun shotshell loading.
Get the Lyman 5th Edition Shotshell Manual
Good fun shotshell loading.
Get the Lyman 5th Edition Shotshell Manual
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