best practical shotgun

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Re: best practical shotgun

#61 Post by Activ8 »

saddler wrote:
Activ8 wrote:... I've notice that no one has mentioned Mossberg's. Any particular reason?.
Yes - you missed all the posts on pages one onwards which did mention Mossbergs
I'll go back & read all about it then, as I say must of missed it. Cheers.

Edit: only see "others like Mossberg" my question was more why are they rated over others if that's the case? Just want to educate myself really & understand what it is I'm looking for. No point spending £700 on something when you can get something else that does the same job for half that price.
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Re: best practical shotgun

#62 Post by Blackstuff »

I've only seen a few JMPros being used and unfortunately by people who aren't particularly proficient in PSG yet so can't tell if its them or the gun that is slowing them down. I suspect it is more likely the user though. The problem is they're relatively new guns so only likely to be used by people new to the sport as the 'old hands' have likely settled into a groove with an established gun. Its only usually when one of the experienced shooters 'takes a chance' on a new gun and it proves itself that you see a wave in its popularity. It happened with the M2 in its day, replacing then top guns like the Remmy 1100.

The only similar gun (i know of) in the same price bracket to the JMPro is the Winchester SX3, which is more competition proven, however i have noticed that several people on the PSG circuit that had SX3's have since replaced them either with M2's or 1301's. Whether this was just a 'progression' or whether there were some issues with them i'm not 100%. I do know of one user that had a lot of problems with the gas system in hers but i'm not convinced she was cleaning it regularly enough. But at the same time an excellent shooter on the UKPSA circuit is using an SX3, or he was last time i saw him shoot.....

If i was buying a gun for Standard or Modified division now i'd probably go for a 1301.

Re: best practical shotgun

#63 Post by Demonic69 »

The problem with the JMP930 is that it was designed for 3 gun, not PSG. In 3 gun they're, generally, less likely to have reload-heavy shotgun stages and are only recently moving to quad loading (last couple of years). If you watch most of the 3-gunners they're carrying a lot of ammo, not masses of room for loads of 12G.
The JMP isn't any better than any other for lots of loading, especially quads. It has a slightly open loading port but still requires some modification to match the guns that some of the best are using, proper opened and lowered port, welded lifter. It's a quick gun and fairly intuitive to use.

Re: best practical shotgun

#64 Post by Activ8 »

Blackstuff & Demonic69 thank you for your replies, answers my questions. Very much appreciated.
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Sim G
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Re: best practical shotgun

#65 Post by Sim G »

I was heavily into practical gunning. Pistol and shotgun. Ran an 870, 30 years ago, then a 1100. Went to a Benelli M2 when they came out and went from practical to target shotgun. I let the Benelli go about 18 months ago as range availability for shooting slug dropped out over night because of some dick head now out of green and wearing Barbour....

But, really wanted another shotgun in the cabinet. Toyed with going back to an 870 and even ran a little Hatsan 20 bore as a S1 gun .... And even projected a 13 shot Browning Auto 5 "Ma Bakers Dozen" a while ago....

So where is this all going? I bought a 930 JM Pro. So far, everything I've put through it has worked. Including some pretty nasty 30 year old game cartridges rediscovered and reloaded slug. But most of the stuff I've been running through it lately has been on the skeet range!! It's been bloody brilliant! I have confidence in the gun. Practical shooting will hopefully come back to me and when it does, I have the gun I'm going to run.
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

Guns dont kill people. Dads with pretty Daughters do...!

Re: best practical shotgun

#66 Post by techguy »

Until you lust after an M2 again ;)
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Re: best practical shotgun

#67 Post by Sim G »

Probably....!!! aaarggh lol lol
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

Guns dont kill people. Dads with pretty Daughters do...!
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