Nowt in particular - just I already have some, a pair of metal flip ups at a reasonable price would tempt me however.Blackstuff wrote:Whats wrong with polymer? (contain yourself Dromia )
Surely these are going to be back up sights? i.e. You're almost never going to use them. I have HAD to use mine once in the time i've had my BR99, and have used them 2 more times when simply pressing a button on the red dot would've sufficed.
As long as you don't get knock off/airsoft ones they'll take the recoil
Metal Flip Up Magpul Sights for Ar15
Moderator: dromia
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Re: Metal Flip Up Magpul Sights for Ar15
Re: Metal Flip Up Magpul Sights for Ar15
nickb834 wrote:Nowt in particular - just I already have some, a pair of metal flip ups at a reasonable price would tempt me however.Blackstuff wrote:Whats wrong with polymer? (contain yourself Dromia )
Surely these are going to be back up sights? i.e. You're almost never going to use them. I have HAD to use mine once in the time i've had my BR99, and have used them 2 more times when simply pressing a button on the red dot would've sufficed.
As long as you don't get knock off/airsoft ones they'll take the recoil
Go on the Suffolk rifle site £158.00 the pair. Much cheaper than Brownells
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