Allow ownership and use of .22 Rimfire pistols for sport.

24" and less, a place to discuss all things handgun related, section 7.3. Long barrelled revolvers, long barrelled pistols and section 5. Overseas contributions are more than welcome.

Moderator: dromia


Re: Allow ownership and use of .22 Rimfire pistols for sport

#51 Post by Grizzly »

HALODIN wrote:People will only vote if they feel the objective is achievable.
I would take the view that a petition is only limited by the number of votes it receives. Theoretically speaking if enough people in the country signed any petition it would become law.

To the shooting community, I would take the view that everyone has a duty to sign, otherwise hand your guns in now. To the non shooting community, a handgun is a handgun no matter what the calibre. For that and as matter of principal it's pointless bowing down and limiting to .22RF. Unfortunately for us we just don't have the numbers even within the shooting community signing any petition, 22RF or not.

Re: Allow ownership and use of .22 Rimfire pistols for sport

#52 Post by HALODIN »

I think the majority are more clued up then you think, we've all grown up with guns in films. Since I've had my licence, I've been quite surprised how unsurprised people are that I have a licence. They don't care as long as you have good reason to own one. Someone who works in the forestry commission has good reason, as does someone who competes in target shooting. People are generally pretty reasonable. We really missed a trick with the run up to the Olympics, we could have capitalised on that...

Anyway, I'm of the view of slowly, slowly catchy monkey or to use another idiom, if you turn the heat up too quickly, the frog will jump out of the pot. I'm of the opinion baby steps are the way forward, but much like this last petition, unless it's a country wide galvanized campaign, it's destined to fail. In a way too many failed petitions also work against us, it's better we have one big push from all the national organisations, but so far no one seems able to organise that.
Grizzly wrote:To the non shooting community, a handgun is a handgun no matter what the calibre. For that and as matter of principal it's pointless bowing down and limiting to .22RF.

Re: Allow ownership and use of .22 Rimfire pistols for sport

#53 Post by polemass »

Me think if things in the near(huh...?) future will move a bit(in right direction...)-.22wmr for pistols and rewolvers is minimum as some compromise?Of course no more coat hangers and standard barrels lenght...Fantasy?ok,I know the answer....But I signed too
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Re: Allow ownership and use of .22 Rimfire pistols for sport

#54 Post by bnz41 »

Done :good:
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