what are you reading

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what are you reading

#1 Post by Sureshot »

Are there any specific magazines dedicated to the .22 rifle ?
If the is could someone perhaps tell me.

I have picked up sporting rifle. Not a bad read.

Regards Chris

Re: what are you reading

#2 Post by Sureshot »

Goes to show that no one wants to tell a thing, poor members that don't reply. Come on try and help those that are new.
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Re: what are you reading

#3 Post by bradaz11 »

maybe no one knows? as posting a reply of no, isn't very helpful, is it?
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Re: what are you reading

#4 Post by Primer »

There was a magazine a couple of years ago called .22 shooter (I think) but I'm sure it died a death, I did buy it for about a year but it got to a stage that it was more adverts than actual content.
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Re: what are you reading

#5 Post by daman »

If you join the NSRA they do a regular (quarterly?) .22 related magazine.

I'm not a member myself, so can't comment on it's quality.

If you want a good book on small bore shooting AG Banks "Book of the rifle" is a classic, worth dipping into. There are probably much better modern books, but the sheer practicality of the pre war approach is interesting to read today.
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Re: what are you reading

#6 Post by dromia »

There are no worthwhile magazines about gun ownership and shooting available in the UK.

Come on Bambi get some

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Re: what are you reading

#7 Post by dromia »

I can concur on AG Banks "Book of the rifle" as being an excellent book as are the following;

.22 Calibre Rifle Shooting by CS Landis.

Small Bore Target Shooting by WH Fuller.

The book of the .22 by Richard Arnold.

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Re: what are you reading

#8 Post by Pete »

Try Abe books for used copies of any of the above.

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Re: what are you reading

#9 Post by Sureshot »

Thanks for those who took the time to reply. I will be checking out the books,
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