VZ58 metal/black plastic .223/5.56mm magazines

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VZ58 metal/black plastic .223/5.56mm magazines

#1 Post by Blackstuff »

As above, anyone know where to get reasonably priced VZ58 magazines in .223/5.56mm in either metal or black plastic?

The only place I've found is http://www.vz58rifle.com/sa-vz-58-7-62- ... zasobniky/ but while the magazines aren't too badly priced the P&P is pretty steep for a couple of magazines.

CCA only have 10rd clear plastic mags in unfortunately :bad:

Re: VZ58 metal/black plastic .223/5.56mm magazines

#2 Post by Sixshot6 »

Blackstuff wrote:As above, anyone know where to get reasonably priced VZ58 magazines in .223/5.56mm in either metal or black plastic?

The only place I've found is http://www.vz58rifle.com/sa-vz-58-7-62- ... zasobniky/ but while the magazines aren't too badly priced the P&P is pretty steep for a couple of magazines.

CCA only have 10rd clear plastic mags in unfortunately :bad:

I know another place http://www.gunsmoke.eu/csa-vz58/csa-58- ... 3rem-nieuw

They pay in paypal also. I'm guessing you discovered what I did Blackstuff? That they are best run on their own mags and the appeal of the magwell adapter is only really if you live in Canada due to the laws about using pistol AR mags in rifles there to get more than 5 rounds? Happens to us all.
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Re: VZ58 metal/black plastic .223/5.56mm magazines

#3 Post by Blackstuff »

Not at all! I've never had any issues running mine with the AR magwell adaptor (with either slightly modded Magpul E-mags or GI mags). Its just I've returned my VZ58 for some internal upgrades and a paint job (going black shakeshout ), and when I'd stripped all the stuff off my gun I quite liked it bare. It only takes a few minutes to switch the magwell parts out between the two so I want a couple of 30rd VZ mags for playing about with in its standard/basic configuration :good:

Re: VZ58 metal/black plastic .223/5.56mm magazines

#4 Post by Sixshot6 »

Blackstuff wrote:Not at all! I've never had any issues running mine with the AR magwell adaptor (with either slightly modded Magpul E-mags or GI mags). Its just I've returned my VZ58 for some internal upgrades and a paint job (going black shakeshout ), and when I'd stripped all the stuff off my gun I quite liked it bare. It only takes a few minutes to switch the magwell parts out between the two so I want a couple of 30rd VZ mags for playing about with in its standard/basic configuration :good:
Is Scott offered to make them black? I have my 7.62x39 model (toying with getting some FAB Defense made mags for it, $18 on Zahal.org) How long has he been doing this? Also what internal upgrades is he doing?

Also FYI gen 3 pmags work too, maybe even Troy battlemags as well (though they are not as well thought of as Pmags).

So are you going to try and order from gunsmoke? When I load my 7.62x39 one, it's actually pretty easy to do, just got to get used to rock and lock.
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Re: VZ58 metal/black plastic .223/5.56mm magazines

#5 Post by Blackstuff »

I'm after black mags rather than see-thru ones which aren't in stock there at the moment, but i'll be keeping an eye on there so cheers for the link :good:

Yep, you can get them in black now. He also had a short run on 1:8 and 1:9 twist barrels, which would have been a much better option IMHO for the ammo that's readily available in the UK, however this was a problem with CSA preferring to make 1:7 barrels as that's the preference on the continent. Bloody foreigners! lol

Re: VZ58 metal/black plastic .223/5.56mm magazines

#6 Post by Sixshot6 »

Blackstuff wrote:I'm after black mags rather than see-thru ones which aren't in stock there at the moment, but i'll be keeping an eye on there so cheers for the link :good:

Yep, you can get them in black now. He also had a short run on 1:8 and 1:9 twist barrels, which would have been a much better option IMHO for the ammo that's readily available in the UK, however this was a problem with CSA preferring to make 1:7 barrels as that's the preference on the continent. Bloody foreigners! lol
I heard Scott had been aiming to get the other twists on 1 in 8 and 1 in 9 are better for the cheap 55 grn and 62 grn we have to make it not worthwhile reloading. So does Scott himself do the new black finish if you bought a green one? I'm guess you are having yours changed to 1:8 or 1:9?
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Re: VZ58 metal/black plastic .223/5.56mm magazines

#7 Post by Blackstuff »

I've asked if one is available to get it changed to a 1:8 twist as that will stabilize everything from 55gr to the higher 70gr stuff, but he made no promises as CSA are only making 1:7 barrels now, it'll just be luck if they have a 1:8 there at the time from a previous run. Its getting a new barrel no matter the twist rate though as the newer ones have a better lining apparently.

The paint jobs are done at the CSA factory. Mines only getting a new coat because its being stripped and re-barreled so the paint is coming off anyway.

Re: VZ58 metal/black plastic .223/5.56mm magazines

#8 Post by froggy »

Cant find Vz58 mags in 5.56 ?? Pfff......... That will teach you !! green55
Real men best rifle Vz chambered caliber strong 7,62x39 :good:

http://www.afg.sk/prislusenstvo-k-58/za ... rem-plast/
I dont know the postage from Slovakia but the unit price beeing lower this might work for you ?
Also if you google "zasobnik na prodej" (magazine for sale) you will access all the local sellers that dont have a page in roastbeef ;)
Good luck !

Re: VZ58 metal/black plastic .223/5.56mm magazines

#9 Post by Sixshot6 »

froggy wrote:Cant find Vz58 mags in 5.56 ?? Pfff......... That will teach you !! green55
Real men best rifle Vz chambered caliber strong 7,62x39 :good:

http://www.afg.sk/prislusenstvo-k-58/za ... rem-plast/
I dont know the postage from Slovakia but the unit price beeing lower this might work for you ?
Also if you google "zasobnik na prodej" (magazine for sale) you will access all the local sellers that dont have a page in roastbeef ;)
Good luck !
Very true on 7.62x39 but Blackstuff wants black mags not clear, as #BLACKMAGSMATTER lol

Next you'll be saying real men look down on AK's not in 7.62x39 and 5.45x39 and FAL owners should not even commit the sin of a non 7.62x51 (unless you live in a country where military caliber's are banned or non mills are easier to get like your country (yes 307 win FAL I'm looking at you, and the 243 win DSA Fal, come on up here).
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Re: VZ58 metal/black plastic .223/5.56mm magazines

#10 Post by Blackstuff »

froggy wrote:Cant find Vz58 mags in 5.56 ?? Pfff......... That will teach you !! green55
Real men best rifle Vz chambered caliber strong 7,62x39 :good:

http://www.afg.sk/prislusenstvo-k-58/za ... rem-plast/
I dont know the postage from Slovakia but the unit price beeing lower this might work for you ?
Also if you google "zasobnik na prodej" (magazine for sale) you will access all the local sellers that dont have a page in roastbeef ;)
Good luck !
There's always one! 8-) lol .223/556 made more sense to me at the time as I already had it on my ticket, couldn't locally source cheap 7.62 plus I don't like the look of the 'banana' magazines.

That said I have 7.62 and 9mm MARS slots on my FAC, if I had the money I'd have both tomorrow!

Cheers for the link, at that price I might be able to grin and bear the see-thru mags, or spend the difference on some black paint...

EDIT: Bah, they don't ship to the UK!
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