Smallbore target rifles?

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Smallbore target rifles?

#1 Post by Kungfugerbil »

I do of course realise the irony of posting about smallbore on, but I know some of us like the little bullets sometimes too :)

My trusty Anschutz match 64 is due an upgrade and I'm having a devil of a time tracking down a suitable replacement. It seems that like most target rifles the good'uns never make a public appearance and just get quietly sold and traded amongst club members. I've asked at my club but no-one has any real leads on anything or rifles left to flog from the club stock...

So - anyone know where best to find good smallbore target rifles? Obviously I trawl guntrader / gunstar on a daily basis, and look at a few other forums (Stirton etc) but only seem to see ratty prone 14-series Anschutz that have been abused with things like threaded barrels and missing parts. I would be looking to spend anywhere up to a grand (or even more of a nice aluminium stocked late rifle was available) and would be looking for a minimum of an 18-series match 54 but also Walther or Feinwerkbau.

Any pointers most welcome - cheers all!

Re: Smallbore target rifles?

#2 Post by Andy632 »

How about giving these folk a ring...................... ... 88_76.html

Re: Smallbore target rifles?

#3 Post by Kungfugerbil »

^ Absolutely - if my search is fruitless and I end up looking at new rifles then I will ring round Edinkillie, Intershoot, Beds target supplies and EMRR. I was hoping someone would share some info on where the used rifles go to first!
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Re: Smallbore target rifles?

#4 Post by Rockhopper »

They nearly always seem to get sold to other club members. Small bore target shooting seems to be a very small part of the overall shooting scene in the UK.

Re: Smallbore target rifles?

#5 Post by RobB »

As it happens I've just bought a Walther KK500 and am wondering what to do with my 1813 Supermatch and also a hybrid I have (1813 stock with match 54X barrelled action).

The Supermatch got me into the Sussex Intercounty team so it does shoot well.

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Re: Smallbore target rifles?

#6 Post by 20series »

It's probably worth joining its a more small-bore target based forum and asked around on there.

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Re: Smallbore target rifles?

#7 Post by Kungfugerbil »

20series wrote:It's probably worth joining its a more small-bore target based forum and asked around on there.
Cheers Alan. I do look on Stirton - it says so In my first post :p

Rifles for sale are still relatively few and far between. I think people just hold onto their kit for a long time!
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Re: Smallbore target rifles?

#8 Post by 20series »

Kungfugerbil wrote:
20series wrote:It's probably worth joining its a more small-bore target based forum and asked around on there.
Cheers Alan. I do look on Stirton - it says so In my first post :p

Rifles for sale are still relatively few and far between. I think people just hold onto their kit for a long time!
Sorry scan read the OP
Doh wallhead

Good luck in your search

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Re: Smallbore target rifles?

#9 Post by TattooedGun »

I found mine (luckily - 2213 Anschutz) on Guntrader the week I got my FAC through.

They come up occasionally, but not often.

Generally smallbore rifles go on notice boards and stuff at our club, If anything crops up I'll let you know, but it's doubtful :(
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