LBP rig wanted

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LBP rig wanted

#1 Post by Nelly2014 »

Now I've got the LBP sorted I need some sort of rig with a belt, speed holster and mag pouches x6. There seem to be a lot of Chinky options on ebay, are they worth having? Or does anyone have a rig they want to sell? Advice welcome

Re: LBP rig wanted

#2 Post by saddler »

I custom make leather kit (speed-loader pouches, magazine pouches, ammunition sliders, belts, etc)

Check my website:
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Re: LBP rig wanted

#3 Post by Nelly2014 »

Bought Chinky and seems fine.

Re: LBP rig wanted

#4 Post by saddler »

The Chinese made gunslips I've used in the past seemed fine too, until the rifle worked its way out of the end on first use.
Use it for a couple of seasons & post an update.
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Re: LBP rig wanted

#5 Post by Blackstuff »

Nelly2014 wrote:Bought Chinky and seems fine.
Mag pouches are generally fine but I've seen a couple different knock off holsters go Pete-Tong in very, very bad ways, fortunately no one was hurt in the two incidents I saw but they could've both resulted in fatalities. troutslapping

If I were you I'd do some extensive testing with an unloaded gun in your house ensuring the gun has somewhere soft to land if it comes loose as if it happens with a loaded gun on the range the very least that'll happen is you get DQ'ed. Try jumping/running on the spot, turning quickly and aggressive draws, with and without the lock engaged to make sure it works as it should.
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Re: LBP rig wanted

#6 Post by Nelly2014 »

The one I've bought is the same as a chap at club uses and he's had no issues so far.
It's how you set them up.
Tbh even proprietary official kit is made in China so.
Remember when we used to sneer at Jap stuff many years ago?

Re: LBP rig wanted

#7 Post by IsleShoot »

All depends what LBP you have?

Adam at AW armoury is a good go to for Ghost kit, the belts are as good as anything else in n the market plus you're supporting a UK business.

Double Alpha Academy gear is basically the standard, I'd say they have a 60% to 70% share of the IPSC market which is an indication of their quality and most importantly functionality. The racemaster holster is also a good investment especially if you want to use your LBP rig to shoot handguns abroad as you can change the insert for different makes/models.

Other options are Guga Ribas and Hogue.

I'd strongly recommend spending the money on a proper rig as ultimately a holster is essentially a safety device and the rest is all about comfort and reliability.

If you're running a 1911 clone you have loads of options but if you've got a Grand Power K22 you'll need the MK12 insert for the double alpha racemaster. If you've got a browning or Volquartson you'll need the Hogue universal holster.
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Re: LBP rig wanted

#8 Post by Nelly2014 »

In the end I bought chinky-cheapo belt, mag holders and ghost replica holster. I took on board the comments made on here and elsewhere. The holster was the weak link, everything is else as good as the big name products.
I came across and saw that they do a 'block' only as a spare part for the 'Super Ghost Ultimate and I could see that the belt fixing part was practically identical to the copy. I took a chance, ordered it and it came to my door in 4 days which I thought pretty amazing. Especially considering that I also ordered something from a UK source which took 7 days to arrive.
I swapped a couple of parts and it all fits perfectly. I now have the Ultimate set up for a fraction of the cost.
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