Rossi lever action takedown/smith dvd

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Rossi lever action takedown/smith dvd

#1 Post by Pesty »

Anybody got Steves guns dvd they want to party with?

I tried to order it from his website but shipping is double what the DVDs is and hey ad vat and import tax on top taking account shipping price, will get very expensive.

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Re: Rossi lever action takedown/smith dvd

#2 Post by bradaz11 »

Steves website says he won't ship outside the us now anyway.
I was considering it too. I bought a radocy guide instead but messed up and accidently ordered the 94 version
When guns are outlawed, only Outlaws will have guns

Re: Rossi lever action takedown/smith dvd

#3 Post by nickb834 »

bradaz11 wrote:Steves website says he won't ship outside the us now anyway.
Wow - that sucks, I got the DVD and go faster bits from him last year. I wonder what made him stop exporting (ITAR, BATFE etc).

My advice would be to follow any guide you can find on youtube regards disassembly and slicking Rossi's up - the DVD's are in standard def (naturally - it's a dvd) but even still the image quality is worse than some worn out VHS's I recall watching back in the day!

This might give you what you need:

As it happens I didn't take a file or stone to any of the internals, I just changed the springs over - and it made all the difference (mine was so fierce on ejection it ruined the brass if shooting 357's).

Brownells UK now may be the only choice for different spring rates?

Re: Rossi lever action takedown/smith dvd

#4 Post by Pesty »

Hi nick that video is great, I've been looking but didn't find that one. Another member is lending me steves which is fantastic.
There is a German website I found that sells springs and stuff but don't know if they are shorter or whatever as per steves.

Actually there is also another us website a bit cheaper than steves guns that sells all the springs. I bought a metal follower and magazine spring from him. Should have bought the rest of the springs as mine ejects 44 into orbit
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