Ovenpaa sent me...

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Re: Ovenpaa sent me...

#41 Post by Dougan »

dromia wrote:
Membership of the NRA is only worthwhile if you shoot at Bisley, that is not the signature of a "national" organisation. A national organisation should have good national membership spread but there is no reason for non Bisley shooters to join.
My Dorset club shoot at a local MOD range. We shoot mainly classic rifles, but there are also F/TR shooters and hunters - I am the only TR shooter in the club. A few years back there was a fire in the backstop (rubber), and it looked for a while that it was going to be blamed on civilian clubs, and that we (and all the other clubs that use the range) were going to be excluded from the range - The NRA represented us with the MOD, and secured our future use of the range :good:

So Dromia, why did they help...it's not Bisley, and no one shoots TR there.......?

I can only assume that your opinions about TR shooters, stem from the fact that deep down, you know we're the best :P :run:
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Re: Ovenpaa sent me...

#42 Post by dromia »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I rest my case!

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