Ruger Red Label

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Ruger Red Label

#1 Post by redcat »

Anybody run a Ruger Red Label? Comments?

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Sim G
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Re: Ruger Red Label

#2 Post by Sim G »

Used to. In short, it's a Ruger. Very serviceable, built as you'd imagine, a tank. Does not have the finesse or style of an Italian gun, but is priced as one. No doubt why they never achieved a fraction of the success they should have in the UK because nicer, bug not necessarily better, gun were in the same price bracket.

It was dropped from the Ruger catalog a few years ago as they weren't even selling there. I read that with the production stopped, there was not a domestically produced O/U shotgun made in the US. Somewhat of a surprise. But that said, I read again somewhere that limited production may start up again.

The full stainless would have been my choice, but couldn't find one. Decided to look for a 20 bore so hopefully would be a wee bit more, well, "handy". Did find one but it was rough. But on my quest was introduced to Blaser. Dont look for Red Labels now.
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

Guns dont kill people. Dads with pretty Daughters do...!

Re: Ruger Red Label

#3 Post by SPAS 15 »

I have got a All Weather stainless steel receiver and barrel version. It is a nice gun. I agree with what Sim G says about the shotgun.
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