Hi Alpha,Alpha1 wrote:I have decided that a CZ452 is my next purchase. A 20" Varmit model. So the search begins. I don't like the idea of a switch barrel as on the CZ455.
I have noticed that the majority of people seem to be shooting 16" barrels then adding a moderator that brings the length back to approx 20".
I don't understand the need for a moderator on a .22 shooting indoors in fact I don't understand the need to moderate a .22 at all so I will go for the 20" barrel.
Sorry for the late response, I only shoot target and I have mods for my .308 and .22lr, the reasoning for the .308 being health and safety and also I put it on at bisley to replace my muzzle brake.
The reason for the Mod on the .22lr is purely health and safety, I started to take my son shooting from the age of six and I wanted to maximise protection for his young ears, and yes he was wearing electronic ear defenders but for the cost of a Sak mod it was worth it.
So yes I have mods, no it's not for tacticool purely just to keep the noise down especially on outdoor ranges and also standard velocity ammo not HV, it confuses me that people want and use a mod then use HV ammo.