NRA Competence Certification

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Re: NRA Competence Certification

#11 Post by Alpha1 »

All the cards I have from the NRA for issue to my members say:

Shooter Certification Card.

We are affiliated to the NRA we are not individual members.
Information for individual members of the NRA. This is a different application form than the one I filled in to get out Clubs cards for this year.
Certification Card Renewal 2016.docx
(15.82 KiB) Downloaded 321 times ... p?site=NRA

Re: NRA Competence Certification

#12 Post by Robert303 »

I agree it is not as clear as it can be ... p?site=NRA
then go to the second box down and the last line re affiliated clubs
This gets you the paperwork for the CLUB to issue competency cards. Do not do this will nilly as if something goes wrong the CLUB needs an audit trail to show that it has conducted the correct training and TESTING procedures.
At the very least members need to know to keep the muzzle down not pointing skywards when working the bolt and what to do with a Hang fire.
For every club member who is NOT an individual member you have to pay. If they are an individual member it is Free

Having said all that I suggest you phone them to 1) See if I am right and 2) to give them a bollocking for not explaining it properly.
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Re: NRA Competence Certification

#13 Post by Alpha1 »

I'm good I discussed my requirements with the NRA. We as a club comply with there requirements and they are happy to supply us with
Shooters Certification Cards.
My question is what is the difference between a Shooters Certification Card and a NRA competency card.

Re: NRA Competence Certification

#14 Post by alexham »

IainWR wrote:My NRA-issued card says "National Rifle Association Shooter Certification Card" along the top.
So does mine and it is valid for 5 years. I am a full member of NRA and you must be too to get it.
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Re: NRA Competence Certification

#15 Post by Alpha1 »

alexham wrote:
IainWR wrote:My NRA-issued card says "National Rifle Association Shooter Certification Card" along the top.
So does mine and it is valid for 5 years. I am a full member of NRA and you must be too to get it.
I am not a member of the NRA. The cards I issued to my members this year are only valid until 2018. So there must be a diffence in the cards. Any way its not important and we are drifting away from the original posters question.

Re: NRA Competence Certification

#16 Post by alexham »

Alpha1 wrote:
alexham wrote:
IainWR wrote:My NRA-issued card says "National Rifle Association Shooter Certification Card" along the top.
So does mine and it is valid for 5 years. I am a full member of NRA and you must be too to get it.
I am not a member of the NRA. The cards I issued to my members this year are only valid until 2018. So there must be a diffence in the cards. Any way its not important and we are drifting away from the original posters question.
Well said Alpha1! We always drift away from topics and that causes delay and confusion! Well, I am the original poster and I have had it confirmed that the original military requirements and classification had not changed. NRA has been introducing new classes of firearms and asking for more information. For instance, 2016 form did not ask for distances over which applicants would be shooting Iron Sighted or Telescopic fullbore rifles. "Short Range Pistol inc. Heritage Pistol" was not in the original classification nor was "Long Range Pistol". The original classification "Gallery Rifle" has now changed to "Gallery Rifle/Carbine", which can be very confusing. Mosin-Nagant Mod. 38 and 44 and Enfield No.5 are carbines, but they are not gallery rifles! Heritage pistols can be shot only within the confines of Heritage Centres, as regulated by the Home Office, not the military!

I don't know what the NRA is doing (they probably don't know either), so I shall be kind and forgiving and assume that NRA is using the certification forms to collect information that has nothing to do with competence certification. I shall put ticks against the classes of firearms I need certification for and simply ignore the rest. I will let you know how I get on, of course.

Re: NRA Competence Certification

#17 Post by Rambles35 »

My shooter certification card has no mention of any distances on the back, when it lists iron sighted, telescope sighted, etc.

I would ask them as suggested.
Please let us know what they say.

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