Correct use of a semi-auto

All things rimfire including target, benchrest, hunters, semi autos and plinkers.

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Re: Correct use of a semi-auto

#41 Post by safetyfirst »

They're not mutually exclusive you know. If I've only got a few hours the Airsoft let's me improve without unlocking 173 padlocks and raising 14 flags....

Plus our lot don't let you shoot steel with a handgun on your own.

Re: Correct use of a semi-auto

#42 Post by rakirun »

Airsoft can be good for handgun grip and muscle memory practice. I know a few guys who use it to practice for when they shoot semi auto handguns abroad.
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Re: Correct use of a semi-auto

#43 Post by BamBam »

rakirun wrote:Airsoft can be good for handgun grip and muscle memory practice. I know a few guys who use it to practice for when they shoot semi auto handguns abroad.
No good for recoil management. Had an airsoft G19, but sold it after shooting a 3gun match in Kentucky.
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Re: Correct use of a semi-auto

#44 Post by safetyfirst »

They're fun. I shoot .22 lbps and my Airsoft Glock has more kick.

Re: Correct use of a semi-auto

#45 Post by Maggot »

More often than not issues arise not from indiscriminate fire or other crimes, but because the person moaning is either a club sec (and therefore their opinion) or some other sort of official....sometimes with a you have to be impressed by a badge.

Often the "power" that comes with the badge allows the wearer to "without a nod to common sense, actual rules or legislation, or any consistency" spout off because they think their word is law.

This is often backed up by having the ear of other bullshit merchants who are equally as bitter and twisted. Sometimes it carries well out of their normal kingdom. I know of some clubs who have damned near been closed by licensing because they cannot get on.

I have been told to not do many things at Bisley, 99% of the time by a club sec from one or other organization (although in one case it was "My club sec says you had better not do that as its illegal" ) and each and every time what I(we) were doing was 100% OK and agreed with the NRA.

I have been complained about quite a few times for "Sporting stances", one chap was watching us with his binos from the 200 point at short siberia. We were then reported for standing and kneeling. The answer he was given by the range office was something like..."Yes, we know, that is why they are there".

Then there was the recent huffing an puffing about the noise by the ear deffender less gent on the 200 point.

On one occasion we were partaking in a skills course with the director of shooting running it....people!!! wallhead

Its a simple scenario. If you are not 100% sure someone is breaching something, wind it in. There is a difference between a safety breach and a "I dont like/understand/cant do it so I am going to stop you" breach.

Dreams and reality at work again I am afraid.

Not that club secs are all like that and I suspect often they have no idea what is being said supposedly in their names, it can be a thankless task.
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Re: Correct use of a semi-auto

#46 Post by Blackstuff »

HH1 wrote:
Blackstuff wrote:
Your on! Anytime shakeshout
The Bora in question was bought by a club member.... he brought it along and I asked if he had read the manual.... "Nah, you can put it together for me and try it first".... I would say that the ported barrel on my Benelli M2 Practical makes a big difference in staying on target.

One thing about the Bora I really didn't like is the left side bolt release.... you try placing the gun on its left side on the bench to show a empty chamber and then the release button slams the bolt shut.... so you have to somehow prop up the left side.
I had one go at the weekend gone and managed a time of 1.74s. 10 cartridges (32g #6 Fiocchi Pigeon), gun in shoulder, safety off. I had two stutters in the firing so could probably get it down to 1.6ish. That could get an expensive game to play lol
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Re: Correct use of a semi-auto

#47 Post by Nelly2014 »

I'm glad there are some people who also feel a bit aggrieved about some club's outlook re semi-auto rapid fire. Being British we have a tendency to buckle under disapproving attitudes and 'toeing the line' even if it is some self-righteous officials imaginary line.
As has been said, shooting should also be about enjoyment.
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