For Sale Italian BM59 Straight Pull Rifle in 7.62x51

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For Sale Italian BM59 Straight Pull Rifle in 7.62x51

#1 Post by PaulR »

For Sale

Rare if not unique in the UK, BM59 Straight Pull Rifle in 7.62x51. Nearly new with only 100(ish) rounds put through it.

The rifle is a straight pull version of the Semi/Full auto service weapon developed in the 50s and early 60s for the Italian armed forces. It was based on the M1 Garand licence built by Beretta post war and its design and subsequent entry into Military Service preceded the US M14s by two years.

The rifle is complete with integral bi-pod although this is easily removable should you want to. It also comes with two magazines and the correct Garand sling.

Price: £2300.00 ono.

pm me for more details/photo's.




Re: For Sale Italian BM59 Straight Pull Rifle in 7.62x51

#2 Post by Robin128 »


Welcome to the stop by for a natter and share your knowledge.

Your handle is familiar...GT?

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Re: For Sale Italian BM59 Straight Pull Rifle in 7.62x51

#3 Post by the running man »

bloody nice rifle!! too rich for my blood,sorry.
When someone says "it's not about the money" you know what? it probably is all about money!
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Re: For Sale Italian BM59 Straight Pull Rifle in 7.62x51

#4 Post by Blackstuff »

Very nice! (For a wooden rifle :squirrel: ) Looks like a copy of the US M14, or did they copy this?

Re: For Sale Italian BM59 Straight Pull Rifle in 7.62x51

#5 Post by PaulR »

Hi All,

I'm not new to these forums, I used read and occasionally contribute to the Gun Trader forum and have been known to post on the UK AR15 forums.

In answer to the question from Blackstuff.

The Italians concluded that there were flaws in the M1 Garand design, the main ones being weight and lack of capacity, about the same time the US did. The design work for both the BM59 and the M14 coincided with the introduction of the 7.62x51 cartridge being adopted as NATO standard.

Whereas the Italians took the Garand design which they were already making under licence, lightened it, re-chambered it for 7.62 and added a magazine, the Americans more or less designed a new rifle, the M14.

Hence the time from design to entry into service was two years ahead of the US counterpart.

It is a lovely gun to shoot but I promised the missus I’d sell one to cover the cost of my latest acquisition…………… ;) ;) ;)

Re: For Sale Italian BM59 Straight Pull Rifle in 7.62x51

#6 Post by Dangermouse »


Glad that you were able to get on line and post the pictures etc.
As previously mentioned what a lovely rifle, it appears to have the same side mounted elevation adjustments for the rear site as the M1, not that I am in a position to purchase, but is there a way of mounting a scope?

The big question is what is your most recent purchase?

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Re: For Sale Italian BM59 Straight Pull Rifle in 7.62x51

#7 Post by ovenpaa »

Cracking looking rifle and welcome to the forum. I also have to ask what could possibly replace this rifle?

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Re: For Sale Italian BM59 Straight Pull Rifle in 7.62x51

#8 Post by PaulR »

Dangermouse.....great handle that.

The rear sight is straight from the Garand M1. Probably the best military iron site I've ever shot with, used to own a semi-auto M1 in the good old days. Regarding a scope, there is no standard provision for one but the WW2/Korean side mount would fit. Trouble is that requires gunsmithing and I hate the thought of drilling holes where there weren't any.

Ovenpaa and DM, not sure if I should be using the For Sale Forum for this but here is what I have acquired, no problem with scope mounting on this one:



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Re: For Sale Italian BM59 Straight Pull Rifle in 7.62x51

#9 Post by Sim G »

What?!!!! A straight pull L1A1 or do you live in a "better" place....?

Oooh, waves of nostalgia!!
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

Guns dont kill people. Dads with pretty Daughters do...!

Re: For Sale Italian BM59 Straight Pull Rifle in 7.62x51

#10 Post by Doz »

I'm not jealous. Not at all... :mrgreen:
Sim G wrote:Oooh, waves of nostalgia!!
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