It's not about technically and probably, or even could. It's about what you intend to do.CraigH wrote:
Had a quick check on the NRA website and my club isn't listed - but could I flip this on it's head, join the NRA as a member and then technically I have access to Bisley?
Also looking at the Three Counties website, the club looks like it accepts non-members with a FAC, so could I say I wish to shoot on one their days as a non member (something which I probably would do) and that would be a good enough reason to add Fullbore rifles to FAC?
Appreciate all the replies so far!
If you have no place to shoot the firearm, you should not be applying for it. If you have a range where you can shoot the rifle you want, and will do so, then by all means go for it, but do not apply for a rifle you cannot use, just to have the rifle sat at home with no purpose or place to use it.
also, you mentioned a few times about putting off applying while joining other clubs etc, so you can put in for everything at once. A variation only costs £20 you know. if you can apply now, get it in, and ask for what you know you can shoot at the club you are a full member of, then in 6 months or so, when they get around to issuing you a grant, and you get the few rifles you are after, and in that time, you probably joined the other club to shoot more stuff anyway, so you pop in a £20 variation and ask for a few more guns that you now have reason to use!